Non completely positive maps in physics Daniel R Terno Karol Życzkowski Hilary Carteret
History, references, etc P. Pechukas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 1060 (1994) R. Alicki, Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 3020 (1995) P. Štelmachovič and V. Bužek, Phys. Rev. A 64, (2001) T. F. Jordan, A. Shaji, and E. C. G. Sudarshan, Phys. Rev. A 70, (2004). K. Życzkowski and I. Bengtsson, Open. Sys. Info. Dyn. 11, 3 (2004).
Maps & dynamical matrices Dynamical (Choi) matrix Properties If trace-preserving If unital Choi theorem Hermitian
Church of the larger Hilbert space CP maps & dynamical matrices Eigendecomposition Kraus form of a CP map Sudarshan form
Non-CP maps & extensions Explicit form of a non-unitary evolution: extensions CP map Non- CP map Note Pure states => CP evolution Unique assignment map E for all mixed states => product extension => CP evolution
Non-CP maps: physics Unitary evolution & partial trace
Defs: Non-CP maps: definitions linear assignment map Non-CP map with domain of positivity unitary transformation is physically accessible Example
CP map Non-CP maps: examples so what?
Negative eigenvalues of D : non-CP map Entanglement PPT test: No entanglement both before & after
NO! Non-CP maps: state-dependence? nonlinear
Necessary condition 1 is physically accessible, then Finite-dim extension: trivial Infinite-dim extension: no decomposition à la Bloch
Example: transposition Sudarshan form: Negative eigenvalue:
Necessary condition 2 is physically accessible with state-independent affine form & unital, then it is CP Qualification: if are state-independent, is not necessary
Dynamical decoupling as a non-CP map Story… Real life (almost)
Non-CP map: assume
Summary & questions Sufficient conditions Channels Accessibility=extension & unitary Necessary conditions Fake non-linearity No entanglement is required May not occur