What is the distance from Fujairah to Dubai in kilometers? The distance from Dubai to Fujairah is 127 kilometers. he distance from Dubai to Fujairah is about 130 kilometers.
The cost of my new car is Dh he cost of my new car is about Dh
ROUND Whole Numbers Rounding UP Rounding DOWN
Rounding Down Example 1. Round 573 to the nearest ten The answer is 570.
Rounding Down Example 2. Round 4327 to the thousand. The answer is thousands Digit to the right is 3
Answer Tt-1 on page 15 of your textbook.
Rounding UP Example 3. Round 7382 to the nearest hundred The answer is 7400.
Rounding UP Example 3. Round 759 to the nearest ten tens The digit to the right is 9 The answer is 760.