10/10/13 33rd Day of School Learning Goal (7.E.1.3): I will be able to compare and contrast low-pressure storms (a hurricane and a tornado). Due Today: Tropical Storm, Hurricane, Eye Wall, & Storm Surge Flashcards Evening Assignment: Get work folder signed/Complete all flashcards
On the front of two cards write the following terms in big, bold letters: Saffir Simpson hurricane scale Fujita tornado scale (p. R55) On the back side of the index card write in your own words the following information about each one: 1.Description: 2.Wind speed: 3.Type of damage Measurement of the Strength of Storms ffir.html
Research and Compare Hurricane Sandy vs. the Joplin Tornado 1)First read the corresponding Wikipedia articles about Hurricane Sandy and the Joplin Tornado 2)Then use the articles to help you complete the Sandy vs. Joplin chart.Sandy vs. Joplin 3)Turn in your completed chart to DROPBOX on Haiku. Due tomorrow.
Evening Assignment Review progress report for accuracy & update work folder. Get work folder signed Complete all of this week’s flashcards