The New Deal and the West Text pages:
Objective… Examine the circumstances of the Dust Bowl and the impact of the New Deal on the West.
32, 33) The Dust Bowl (The Dirty Thirties) Where? Why? Who?
The Dust Bowl
Dust Storm - Rolla, Kansas
Dust Storm - Oklahoma
Dust Storm - Liberal, Kansas
The Dust Bowl - 36) “The Okies”
New Deal Policies & The Dust Bowl The Resettlement Administration... Agricultural Adjustment Act... WPA... (Employment) Soil Conservation Service... Okies...
Boulder/ Hoover Dam Statistics... Location: AZ & NV Built: Cost: $165 million Purpose: Hydroelectric/ Flood control Employed: 8,000 workers 660 ft. Thick ft. tall 20K gals. of water per sec. run the generators Concrete equals 2 lane road - Seattle, WA, to Miami, FL Hoover Dam Fast Facts... Purpose... Control flooding of Colorado River Water supply to CA, AZ & NV Hydroelectric power to millions Dramatically changes the southwest