Graduate Education at Illinois Deba Dutta Dean, Graduate College December 9, 2010
Composition of Graduate Student Body Enrollment (as of Fall 2010) 11,112 Graduate Students – 47 % female – 33 % international (110 countries) – 8% underrepresented minority 1113 Professional Students The Graduate College
Graduate Programs 143 masters 95 doctorate 2 professional 22 online Degrees Awarded (in 2009/2010) 3072 Master Degrees 763 Doctoral Degrees 303 Professional Degrees The Graduate College
is responsible for the integrity of all graduate programs
(Post)Graduate Education in the 21 st century Graduate education and research are two sides of a coin, inseparable The primary objective of graduate education is the education of students Focus on the “graduate” is as important as the focus on “education” The Graduate College
Focal Point: Fostering Interdisciplinary Research The Graduate College A Graduate College Initiative
Focal Point Objectives To advance knowledge in areas of critical national and human need To promote interdisciplinary inquiry and collaborative problem solving To give graduate students the opportunity to be actively involved in formulating and shaping the scope of a large research problem The Graduate College
In closing… American universities have long been universities for the world The challenge ahead is for us to be universities of the world The Graduate College