Legislative Changes February 4, 2016
A.R.S Definitions Requires students obtain a passing score of at least 60% on a an skills/knowledge assessment Is not a course that is required to graduate pursuant to ARS Requires a majority of instructional time to be conducted in a laboratory, field based or work-based learning environment. Has demonstrated a need for extra funding Requires specialized equipment that exceeds a standard educational course Fills a high need vocational or industry need Does not require a student to obtain a baccalaureate degree or more than two semesters of postsecondary education in order to work in the designated vocation or industry ** ** This language will be stricken in an amendment. The new language is on the last slide of this presentation
A.R.S Definitions Leads to certification or licensure If certification or licensure not available, must qualify the student for employment for which the student would not otherwise qualify without completion of the program Requires instruction and materials in courses that are substantially different and exceed the scope of standard instruction Industry has agreed to provide financial or technical support for the program
A.R.S A student who has graduated or received a GED are not eligible for JTED funding A student who is enrolled in an internship course are not eligible for JTED funding The JTED will provide the following minimum services Professional development Ongoing evaluation and support of satellite programs An itemized listing of other goods and services provided to the member districts with the dollars that are retained from the satellite funding All new courses must be approved by the JTED before being submitted to ADE for approval
A.R.S Sections U, V and X are removed from statute Section W. is amended to prohibit a district from requiring students to generate a 1.0 ADM before enrolling and attending JTED courses Beginning in 2020 and every 5 years thereafter, ADE shall review JTED courses to ensure compliance, quality and eligibility.
A.R.S (added) ADE shall include JTED in the departments annual achievement profiles and shall develop specific criteria for including JTED in the A-F accountability system and include all of the following in the classification: The graduation rate of all students The completion rate of all students Performance on assessments Post graduation employment rates A JTED is subject to the performance audits The annual report required by December 31 st has been modified with some data deletions and some data additions The auditor general shall develop a uniform cost reporting system
Provisions There is an emergency clause Mirror bills will be introduced in the House and the Senate Restores 28 million in JTED funding for CTE New language to be seen in an amendment next week Strike K and add: Requires a single or stackable credential or skill, as described in paragraph L, that will allow a student to go to work, as described in paragraph G, upon graduation prior to receiving an associates or baccalaureate degree Bills that will enact all the changes are SB 1525 and HB 2642