Welcome We are the outstanding O.W.L.S
Tonight, parents will… know and understand their role in the Parent Learning Community. know ways they can be involved with their child’s classroom and school. understand the expectations of a student at Samuel Beck Elementary
NISD Beliefs
In partnership with the community, Beck Elementary is committed to success for all learners, ensuring a safe environment that implements rigorous, relevant curricula, and focused instruction. Samuel Beck Elementary Mission Statement
Schedule 7:45—10:30Block #1 (Homeroom) *Mann & Cecil (Math / Science) *Klinger & Walsh (LA / Social Studies) *Sheppard (Self-contained) 10: :00Block#2(Switch classes) 11:00—11:30Recess 11:30—12:00Lunch 12:00—12:55PE / ART / MUSIC 12:55—2:40 Block #2 (continued) 2:45Dismissal
Teaching with Love & Logic Rewarding and Recognizing Good Behavior Tickets Rewards / Spending tickets
Communication and Notes * Monday / Wednesday Folders *Planners * / voic Transportation Changes *Birthday Treats *Lunch
Student Planner Expectations *Sent home daily *Homework / Assignments *Sign each day by parents ~good place to write notes
Organization of Student Materials *Folder System --Green is “Take Home” folder : sent home daily --Other folders are used in class *Switching Classes --planner, green folder, pencil bag *No Three-ring binders
Grading & Homework Guidelines *District Grading Guidelines/Homework *Progress Reports / Report Cards *Late Work *Make-Up Work
eSchool Plus Grade Book *NISD provides grades online through the Home Access Center (HAC). Paper copies of progress reports and report cards can be provided for students in grades 1 – 5 upon request. Kinder students will receive a paper copy due to the format. *A letter will be sent home with each student that has the information parents need to access grades online. *If you have not received this letter about the Home Access Center (HAC), please contact the front office at
Volunteering *WATCH DOGS (Dads of Great Students) *Field Trips (2) ~Elm Fork in Denton (UNT) October 12, 2012 *Only 2 chaperones per class ~NISD Ag Barn (Spring) *Renew / paperwork for background check
*Student laptops and iPad carts *Electronic Chalkboards *Data Projectors *Document Cameras *Distance Learning *Media Cast *CPS Receivers (think George Jetson!) *Eduphoria *Home Access Technology in Action
Math Series!!! *ENVISIONS / INVESTIGATIONS Designed to: *Help students make sense of mathematics and learn that they can be mathematical thinkers *Focus on computational fluency as a major goal *Emphasize reasoning about mathematical ideas
Math Ms. Cecil Ms. Mann Ms. Sheppard Reporting Categories: 1: Numbers, Operation, and Quantitative Reasoning 2: Patterns, Relationships, & Algebraic Reasoning 3: Geometry & Spatial Reasoning 4: Measurement 5: Probability & Statistics *Process Standards ~ Problem Solving Skills
SCIENCE Ms. Cecil/ Ms. Mann / Ms. Sheppard Inquiry Based Curriculum Science Journals Science Inquiry Presentations will replace Science Fair
Language Arts Mrs. Klinger Mrs. Sheppard Ms. Walsh Reading Workshop- *Independent Readers / Self-Selected Texts / Genre *Literature Groups / Book Clubs ~Novels, Library books, Guided Reading Library ~Bluebonnet Books (5 by January) Writing Workshop- *Writing Process ~Narrative and Informational Texts ~Journals, Responses to reading, Prompts, etc. ~Rubric Assessments Spelling *Check planners for word list
Social Studies Mrs. Klinger /Mrs. Sheppard / Ms. Walsh Integrated with Language Arts Curriculum *Communities *Map Skills *Research
DateDayGradeSTAAR Test 2-AprTues4thWriting - Day 1 Tues5thMath 3-AprWed4thWriting - Day 2 Wed5thReading 22-AprTues3rdMath Tues4thMath 23-AprWed3rdReading Wed4thReading Wed5thScience 13-MayTues5thMath - Retest 14-MayWed5thReading - Retest 24-JunTues5thMath - Retest 25-JunWed5thReading - Retest STAAR Testing Dates
Thank you so much for spending this time with us!!! We are looking forward to a great year. Christy Cecil: Ann Klinger: Emily Mann: Jessica Sheppard: Maggie Walsh: