Agendas Agendas are extremely important for your child to be successful in the fifth grade. Students must have agendas at all times Miss Hargrave and I will check each student’s agenda to ensure that the assignments are written Please sign or initial the agenda so we are aware that you have seen it
Friday Folders The Friday Folder is one way to communicate with parents They will be sent home each Friday Parents are encouraged to read the newsletter, sign the signature paper, and send it back to school on the following Monday. It is important to return this so that you can receive the next newsletter. The newsletter is also up on our webpage
Homework Folders Homework folders are used as a way for students to stay organized They are also used for the parents so that you are able to find what homework is assigned very quickly. Homework Folders will be checked daily along with the agendas to double check that students have the correct homework papers Please ask your child daily about their homework folder.
Contacts Phone: Hours: 7:30 – 7:55 am and 2:45 – 3:30 pm Hours: anytime Miss Hargrave: Miss Washer: Friday Folders: There will be a paper in the Friday Folder where you can write down comments. This is a place where you may put any questions that you have for the two of us. * We will be sure to get back to you within 24 hours
Math What is new this year? This year we will be working with the new Common Core Standards. This means that students will be expected to have a full understanding of the content so that they are able to apply the learned information in any situation. In order to ensure that all students are meeting the expectations of the state we will be following the modules assigned from the state that can be found at
Math Goal: Goal: – Students will have a full understanding of the content so that they are able to apply the learned information in any situation How are we going to reach this goal? – Students will be working in cooperative groups so that they have the opportunity to explore together – Students will be writing more in math class and have journal entries – There will be a higher focus on math vocabulary, understanding, and problem solving
How can you help? As parents you can help your child with meet this goal. Here are some different ideas that you and your child can do at home: – Practice math facts – Go through and use some of the websites that I posted on the website – Go over vocabulary with your child at home – Have students explain to you what we did in class that day (the more your child talks about math and the different topics the more they will internalize it. – Have students explain their homework with you and what they did to get the answer – Help them see that math is everywhere – Show them that you LOVE MATH (even if you hate it )
Science We will be using FOSS this year. FOSS provides a more hands on science experience for our students There are many different labs that students will be able to experience this year With the new Common Core Standards reading and writing must be incorporated in all subjects area and FOSS does this through different journals, lab observations, and much more This program also helps with math through connecting math to the real situations, it helps students with problem solving skills, and it incorporates math problems throughout the unit
Units There are many different units that FOSS offers and as fifth graders your child will participate in three of them: – Environments – Levers and Pulleys – Mixtures and Solutions If you would like to find information about FOSS or these three units please visit the FOSS website:
Homework Students will have math homework every night so be sure that you check with them everyday when they come home from school This math homework is based on the topic covered in class and follows the same format as the practice problems done that day. This means that it will be beneficial to you and your child that they bring home their math binders daily. Science homework will be given but not as often. The best way to keep track of the science homework is through the agenda and the newsletter All homework will be graded and used as part of the overall average for both subjects