Major Academic Plan (MAP) Why study Mathematics? The B.S. in Mathematics program is a rigorous, but flexible program. All students enroll in the core of.


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Presentation transcript:

Major Academic Plan (MAP) Why study Mathematics? The B.S. in Mathematics program is a rigorous, but flexible program. All students enroll in the core of 55 credits of mathematics, and also choose at least three electives in mathematics. Then, there is a choice of electives outside of mathematics that gives students a background in fields where mathematics is heavily used in industry and government. Therefore, this degree prepares students for a career in industry or government, or for graduate study in mathematics or a closely related field. BS in Mathematics Required Courses (55 credits) MATH 161 Calculus I (5) MATH 162 Calculus II (5) MATH 163 Calculus III (5) MATH 225 Foundations of Mathematics (5) MATH 231 Linear Algebra (5) MATH 241 Calculus IV (5) MATH 347 Intro Differential Equations (4) MATH 307 Intro Differential Equations Lab (1) MATH 385 Probability and Statistical Inference I (5) MATH 432 Rings and Polynomials (5) MATH 460 Continuous Functions (5) MATH 491 Senior Capstone (5) Required Electives– (35 credits) A maximum of 20 credits of electives may be counted from outside the mathematics department. Some of these courses may require completion of additional prerequisites. Please consult the catalog and your advisor for the list of approved electives. Total credits 89 credits Department Chair Department Assistant Sample Careers Associate in Arts BS in Mathematics (89 credits) Department of Mathematics College of Science, Technology, Engineering. And Mathematics

Degree Requirements (AA-DTA) with Suggested Classes that Fulfill EWU Prerequisites/Requirements Required Courses for Undergraduate Students at EWU  International Studies (4 quarter credit minimum) FLAN207 Contemporary World Cultures (3) HIST131 Latin American History (3) HIST181East Asian History and Culture (3) HIST 210 MUSH163 Survey of World Music (3) PHIL111 World Religions (3) POLS237 International Politics and Problems (3) SOC102 Social Problems (3) SPAN201 Intermediate Spanish I (3) WRITTEN COMPOSITION (6 credits) ENGL 101 English Composition (3)ENGL 101 College Composition: Exposition and Argument (5) ENGL 102 English Composition (3)ENGL 201 College Composition: Analysis/Research/Document (5) ORAL COMMUNICATION (3 credits) COMM 101 Intro to Speech Communication (3) CMST 201 Public Speaking (5) MATHEMATICAL WAYS OF KNOWING (3-5 credits) MATH 147 Pre-Calculus (5)MATH 141 Precalculus I (5) MATH 142 Precalculus II (5) SCIENTIFIC WAYS OF KNOWING (8 credits) Consult your advisor for course options. HUMANISTIC AND ARTISTIC WAYS OF KNOWING (6 credits) Consult your advisor for course options. SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL WAYS OF KNOWING (6 credits) Consult your advisor for course options. INSTITUTIONALLY DESIGNATED (4-6 credits) INTR 250 Integrative Inquiry (3)General Elective Credit (5) ELECTIVES (20-24 credits) MATH 335 Linear Algebra (3)MATH 231 Linear Algebra  Cultural Diversity (4 quarter credit minimum) ANTH225 Native People of North America (3) AIST101 Intro to American Indian Studies (3) COMM220 Intro to Intercultural Communication (3) ENGL 285 American Indian Literature (3) ENGL295 Contemporary U.S. Multicultural Literature (3) HIST240 American Indian History (3) SOC103 Cultural Diversity (3) SOC251 Race and Ethnic Relations (3) Course(s) listed in the left column are those offered at your institution, course(s) listed in the right column are those that are equivalent at EWU. *1 semester credit is equal to 1.5 quarter credits. To calculate quarter credits, multiply semester credits by 1.5.