Somatoform Disorders when physical illness is largely psychological in origin 3 types: somatization, conversion, hypochondriasis
Somatization Disorder Characterized by multiple symptoms (pain, vomiting, coughing, migraines) that have no physical causes Could be a means of coping with a stressful situation This disorder is often co-morbid (exist with) depression & anxiety disorders
Conversion Disorder Significant loss of physical function (with no organic basis) Common symptoms: loss of vision, loss of hearing, paralysis, laryngitis
Hypochondria Excessive preoccupation with their health and constant worry about developing a physical illness Jr7ewKHY4 Jr7ewKHY4
Anxiety Disorders * Marked by feelings of excessive apprehension
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD ) High level of anxiety not specific to any threat Constant worry Worry is out of proportion to actual event Some Symptoms: trembling, dizziness, sweating, heart palpitations, difficultly concentration, irritable
Phobias Most common anxiety disorder Irrational fear of a specific thing that presents no realistic danger Most common phobia is Social Phobia- fear of performing in social situations, fear of humiliating or embarrassing themselves
Other Common Phobias Agoraphobia- fear of going out in public places because escape might be difficult (more common in women) Acrophobia- fear of heights Claustrophobia- fear of small enclosed spaces Hydrophobia- fear of water Animals & Insects LCdEE LCdEE
Systematic Desensitization (type of exposure therapy) Goal is to weaken the association btw the CS and CR Involves 3 steps: ◦ Therapist helps the client build an anxiety hierarchy (list or triggers) ◦ Teaching the client deep relaxation techniques ◦ Client tries to work through the hierarchy, learning to remain relaxed while imagining each stimulus
Panic Disorder Recurrent attacks of overwhelming anxiety that occur suddenly and unexpectedly Panic attack- racing heart, sweating, trembling, difficulty breathing, chest pain, nausea, dizzy
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Uncontrollable & unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and urges to engage in senseless rituals (compulsions) to reduce the thoughts Common rituals: counting, cleaning, & checking WslbsNM WslbsNM
Causes Biological Factors ◦ Concordance rates- percentage of twin pairs and other pairs of relatives who exhibit the disorder ◦ Imbalance of neurotransmitters Conditioning & Learning Phobias acquired through classical conditioning Cognitive Factors ◦ “The doctor examined little Emma’s growth” Stress
Anxiety Medications Anti-anxiety medication- reduces activity in the CNS (valium, tranquilizers)
Mood Disorders- emotional disturbances Major Depression (unipolar) about 18% Symptoms: loss of pleasure for activities, negative thoughts & self-image, withdrawn, less active, difficulty sleeping Bipolar (manic-depressive) 1-2% Symptoms of mania- feelings of euphoria, high self-esteem, energy, hyperactive, impulsive
Causes Biological- abnormal levels of serotonin Cognitive- learned helplessness Environmental- relationship problems Stress
Treatments Anti-depressant drugs (SSRIs) ECT- electroconvulsive therapy Lithium (bipolar)
Dissociative Identity Disorder One or more alternate identities True self blacks out when other identities take over Causes: severe childhood abuse Treatment: insight therapy- integration of the identities
Schizophrenia (split mind) Symptoms: ◦ Delusions- false beliefs ◦ Hallucinations- seeing/hearing things ◦ Disturbed Emotions- little emotional responsiveness ◦ Deterioration of adaptive behavior- neglect of hygiene, social skills deteriorate
4 Types of Schizophrenia Paranoid- delusions of grandeur and persecution Catatonic- motor disturbances Disorganized- severe deterioration of adaptive behavior and delusions about body functions Undifferentiated- mixture of the 3
Causes & Treatment Genetics- high concordance rate Excessive dopamine ◦ Treatment: anti-psychotic drugs that reduce amount of dopamine Neurodevelopmental Hypothesis- prenatal development disrupted Stress Enlarged ventricles in the brain
20/20 Inside Childhood Schizophrenia KXmj8 KXmj8