Introduction Ken Ryall – Nokia Warren Paul – Nokia Daymon Rogers – Freescale John Cortell - Freescale
Technical Goals Reuse the core of the Freescale CodeWarrior debugger. Use an integration layer that connects the core debugger with the Eclipse C++ tools environment (CDT). Extend and enhance the CDT debugger environment to match customer expectations.
Current – Debugger in CodeWarrior IDE 5.x CodeWarrior IDE Debugger Engine Debugger Components (Protocols, Symbol Readers, Data Visualization, OS Awareness)
Debugger in Eclipse Eclipse 3.1 Debugger Components (Protocols, Symbol Readers, Data Visualization, OS Awareness) Debugger Engine CORBA API Layer C/C++ Development Tools (CDT)
Debugger Engine runs in a separate Process Eclipse 3.1 Debugger Components (Protocols, Symbol Readers, Data Visualization, OS Awareness) Debugger Engine CORBA API Layer C/C++ Development Tools (CDT)
Proposed Features Debugging of project-less executables Enhanced Variable Formatting C++ runtime type inspection Enhanced breakpoints (actions, templates etc.) System Browser Support for address spaces Module symbol loading enhancements Memory window enhancements (?)
Proposed Features Display variable addresses or containing register in Variables view Selectable scope for Variables view Multiple thread debug context Generic command line interface Change the Program Counter Auto-update Views Cached-source for debugging Line table tick marks