Turkish culture known well with its food tradition.Main elements are meat and spices. They are also known to be serious,aggressive.(Includes ladies) They are happy to share space which they have.(You cant expect to have self-space in public,as the city is over-crowded) Turkish men look very similar to each other,clothing,and appearance wise. They are also known for braveness, hard working. Germans chose Turkish workers during growth after WW2. 5 million Turkish in Germany.
The city involves in two continents.Europe and Asia.It also includes 5 islands which are highly green.Istanbul lost its 1/3 of its forests in the last 12 years.Water level decreasing rapidly,slowly becoming like a desert. Even though this city have been capital for three different empires there are hardly any ancient buildings around.Turks,have taken everything history for granted. Istanbul known for most populated city in Europe with 14.1m.Moscow is following with 11m. Istanbul
Istanbul had one of the first cathedrals in the history,then its been converted to Museum. In most areas of Istanbul,architecture is so basic as people just build without having dimensions.Just a picture in their mind,they wont care about regulations or law. Primary materials are stones and bricks.
Contemporary architecture is forced to become major establishment,new regulations have been set as risk of earthquake is extremely high.Steel structures are essential in new buildings. Turks known for their unplanned creation urban set-up.Their contemporary building designs are for future as population of Istanbul is increasing by 80,000 each year. Tall buildings are major factor across Istanbul, especially on Europe side.
Buildings which were build from bricks and steel. Basic rectangular/square shaped flats are main. Least variety in terms of shapes but a lot of colours around. Mostly smooth surface and light colours, to not to absorb heat, as it can reach degrees during spring and summer. Lots of horizontal lines.
Contemporary architecture is very diverse, different shapes, sizes, textures, materials and balance reference different things. Timber housing references their traditional use of wood in buildings. Colours and textures are very different to historic architecture, use of glass is very popular now and its done in different proportions to what it used to be. Swedes are not afraid of innovation, creativity and contrast all this can be seen through various examples, housing, museums and artwork in the underground.
Even though shape,size is no where near Turkish architecture,this house can be eye-catchy.Not even rare,but its going to be only of its style. The layout of interior can still remain, Turks are generally comfortable in any zones. Main features I will be adding to my appendix are;information point, document check, seats, toilet and disabled access.
Primary material is glass,steel structures are essential. Steel could be used to create curtain walls and different shapes and forms. Some kind of steel heat insulators can be added to make the design more functional in terms of heating. Bricks are commonly used in the past and currently by builders, this can combine old and contemporary design.
Glass Steel Masonry
In each season you really feel the climate to your bones. Summertime it can reach up to degrees and least to degrees. So I have to think in both situations to attempt any sort of disadvantages.