初中进阶 (2268 期 ) 4-5 版 Fun facts about British passports
Pre-reading 1.Look at the pictures about travel and name all of them. travel agency guidebooks
Pre-reading 2.Look at the pictures about travel and name all of them. passportbackpacker boarding card/pass
Pre-reading 3.What are passports used for? How much do you know about British passports?
While reading True or false 1.A passport not only shows a citizen ’ s identity but also reminds him or her of each visit. 2.Margaret Thatcher refused to offer Geoffrey Howe the 007 passport. 3.No one else in the U.K. can travel abroad without a passport except Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip. 4.Travelers with a German passport can go to more countries than those with a British passport. T F F F
While reading Answer the following questions. 1.What does the number 007 stand for in the U.K.? 2.Why doesn ’ t Queen Elizabeth II need a passport to go traveling? It is the code number for fictional special agent James Bond. Because a British passport is issued in the name of Her Majesty.
While reading Answer the following questions. 3.How long has the oldest British passport existed? 4.How powerful is the British passport? Since /For 374 years. Anyone with it can travel 174 countries without a visa.
Language study Match the words with their correct definitions. 1.treasure 2.fictional 3.reveal 4.entire 5.issue a. emphasizing the whole of something b. not real or true; existing only in stories c. a highly valued object d. to give something to someone officially e. to make something known to someone
After reading Collect information about Chinese passports to find out some fun facts about them. Exchange your findings with your classmates.