Question Everything!
Science- the knowledge obtained by observing natural events and conditions in order to discover facts and formulate laws or principles that can be verified or tested Investigation Research Observation Experimentation Benefits of science! Recycling (Saving resources) Fighting diseases Answering questions
Zoologist Geochemist Mechanic Oceanographer Volcanologist Any job ever!
Scientific Method- a series of steps followed to solve problems Ask a question Make observations Form a hypothesis ▪ Hypothesis-an explanation that is based on prior scientific research or observations and that can be tested Test the Hypothesis Analyze the results Draw Conclusions Communicate results
Controlled experiments! an experiment that tests only one factor at a time by using a comparison of a control group with an experimental group Variable a factor that changes in an experiment in order to test a hypothesis Change only ONE at a time! Analyzing results of experiments help scientists focus on the effect of the varriable
Types of Models Physical Mathematical conceptual ▪ Ideas, comparisons, behavior Model- a pattern, plan, representation, or description designed to show the structure or workings of an object, system, or concept
Knowledge can change when a scientist makes a new Hypothesis Models can represent things that do not exist, is to small to see, or to see a large item scaled down Models can help us understand things Theory-an explanation that ties together many hypotheses and observations Law-A summary of many experimental results and observations: a law tells us how things work New evidence can always challenge accepted ideas and scientists can re-evaluate old ideas
Models are useful but not perfect A model is not the object it is representing! A model only tells part of the story This model shows us what a dinosaur might look like, but that’s it!
Engineering Design Process - the process engineers use to develop a new technology Step 1- Identify a need Step 2- Develop possible solutions Step 3- Make a prototype ▪ Prototype- a test model of a product Step 4- Testing and Evaluation ▪ Cost benefit analysis- the process of determining whether the cost of doing something is worth the benefit provided Step 5 - Improve! Repeat forever!
Intended Benefits vs. Unintended consequences Bioengineering Engineering on living organisms Assistive Bioengineering Helps, not permanent Adaptive Bioengineering Permanently changes individual
SI Units- Easy to use, most widely used, and makes information sharing easy