Scotland’s MSc in Advanced Residential Child Care: Past, Present, and Future Transformations CYC Net Day Conference Renfrew Wednesday, 21 March 2012 Laura Steckley Graham McPheat SIRCC/CELCIS/GSSW
Structure of presentation Background and Rationale Progress and Developments –Threshold Concepts Impact Future
Background 1 st intake 2001 following creation of SIRCC Political and professional landscape Rationale
Progress and Developments Demographics Challenges related to progression Exit awards Threshold Concepts
Threshold Concept: Definition: A special type of core concept that opens up new, previously inaccessible ways of thinking. –Transformative –Irreversible –Integrative –Bounded –Troublesome
Threshold Concepts in RCC/CYC? Discourse Care Developmental orientation to practice Containing and Holding Environments Lifespace Opportunity led Work Relational Practice Situated Leadership
Impact Student Evaluations/Feedback External Examiners Consultation Exercise
External Examiner’s Report “This is a course of national importance which is living up to its reputation as providing sound and rigorous education and training at an advanced level. It is also gaining international recognition, especially in terms of its continuing support from government.” (External Examiner, September 2009)
Consultation Exercise, 2010 The depth of learning that I gained whilst on the course has had a significant impact on the relationships I have with children and young people. They have not changed, but I certainly have! My level of understanding in terms of theory and not just experience alone has served both myself and the young people well. (Student)
Consultation Exercise, 2010 [Our] unit team is more inclined to ‘hold on’ to young people and do not give up during the hard times. This has meant greater stability, security and a sense of belonging for the young people. (Student)
Future Funding/sustainability Delivery Target audience Curriculum focus Market testing
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