Enterprise Applications WS2003/04 Assignment-II Team: Shashikanth. D Bharath Kumar. P Gopi Kishore. D
Web Service for Spices Information The Business Logic for EJB-Application Developing Web Service Integrating Security in Web service
The Business Logic Creating CMP Entity Bean Creating CMP Entity Bean Connecting CMP Entity Bean with Connecting CMP Entity Bean with MySQL database using mysql.xml EJB Components Database SpicesInfo CMP EJB RMI Java Client
Web Service Creating a serializable Creating a serializable Java Bean Creating Stateless Creating Stateless Session Bean Mapping CMP Entity Bean Mapping CMP Entity Bean with java Bean using Session Bean Deploy Web service using Deploy Web service using deployment descriptor file web-service.xml Testing Web service with SOAP Client Testing Web service with SOAP Client Database SpicesInfo Java Client EJB Components Stateless Session EJB SpicesInfo CMP EJB Web Components Apache-AXIS Pea17_SpicesInfo?wsdl SOAP over HTTP
Web Service Security Generating keys Generating keys and certificates for client and service Writing Handlers for Writing Handlers for Client and Server Specifying the service handler Specifying the service handler in Web service deployment descriptor file Redeploying the Web service Redeploying the Web service Creating a Deployment Creating a Deployment descriptor for Client Creating a SOAP Client Creating a SOAP Client Monitoring encrypting and Monitoring encrypting and decrypting in TCP Monitor Client Handler Service Handler cl_prvk, cl_pubk client.ks sr_pubk client.ts sr_prvk, sr_pubk cl_pubk server.ks server.ts Client JVM Service JVM handleRequest(){ sign(cl_prvk); encrypt(sr_pubk); } handleRequest(){ verify(cl_pubk); decrypt(sr_prvk); cleanup(); } handleResponse(){ verify(sr_pubk); decrypt(cl_prvk); cleanup(); } handleResponse(){ sign(sr_prvk); encrypt(sr_pubk); } Java client Session EJB service AXIS