PAINLESS VOCABULARY Chapter 5 – The Tale of the Teaching Tyrant – Starting Your Own Black Book
TEACHING TYRANT – SET #17 Imposing – place a burden or to force oneself upon another diminutive – to make smaller Attire – clothing provoke – to stir up a feeling in someone else Tyrant – a cruel ruler
TEACHING TYRANT – SET #18 Acknowledge – to admit or recognize literal – factual Exert – to use or apply Intimidate – to frighten Inflict – to strike
TEACHING TYRANT – SET #19 Vile – very unpleasant Humiliate – to put someone down Succumb – to give in or surrender Mute – silent Conform – a person who follows the rules
TEACHING TYRANT – WRITING You’ve had a lot of experience with teachers, enough to know the good from the bad. If a new teacher came to you looking for advice on how to make a favorable impression, what kind of advice would you give? Write a paragraph, and be sure to use at least 5 words from this chapter’s new words.