HUMAN SECURITY Bizforms I37008, Jeong Hee-Jin
Contents 01 / Traditional security 02 / Types of security 03 / conclusion
Essay Question Some scholars and pundits claims that traditional concept of national security is outdated to properly address the new types security threats of the 21 st century. They claim that now is time to pay more attention to human security than to traditional conception of national security. What are the natures of changed security environment that compel us to move away from traditional conception of national security? How does human security differ from traditional conception of national security? How much theoretical and analytic mileage can we get from this relatively new concept in the field of international security and peace?
Traditional concept of security Goal : securing territory, economic and political interests of the nation such access to oil or other resources or promoting ideologies such as free market capitalism or democracy (collective security) Actors : military Analysis : primarily focus on terrorism, rogue states, and weapons of mass destruction (WMD) Global ties : less relationship to global security National security focused on military conflicts and defense of the states’ sovereignty and territory against external threats
The new concept of security widely used since the mid 1990s More diverse and complex Goal : protecting (focus on)individuals and communities free from fear, free from want, and free to live in dignity Actors : multiple actors such as government, civil society, media, academic etc. Analysis : WMD, poverty, disease, instability, environmental factors, economic matters etc. Global ties : close relationship with global security post-cold war era : human security
‘New war.. actors are no longer states.. New wars are intertwined with other global threats including disease, natural disasters, poverty and homeless’(Mary Kardor 2007) ‘security of people, not just territory. Security of individuals, not just nations. Security through development, not through arms. Security of all the people everywhere- in their homes, in their jobs, in their streets, in their communities, in their environment’(Mabub Ul Haq. 1995) Human security is related to human development and to human rights. Threats and insecurity can be from the forces of nature or manmade, from wrong policy choice
Types of security
Buzan –the widener () Three-level security - individual, states, international systems The sectors : 1) political security 2) military security 3) economic security 4) societal security 5) environmental security + factors : life, health, status, wealth, freedom (cannot be replaced)
The new security The bottom line of security is ‘survival’ Securitization = politicization Securitization formula is that such threats require exceptional measures and emergency action to deal with them. (the Copenhagen school framework) Non-politicized * The state does not deal with the issue * The issue is not included in the public debate politicized * The issue is managed within the standard political system * It is ‘part of public system’, requiring government decision and resource allocations or some form of communal governance (Buzan) securitized * The issue is framed as a security question through an act of securitization * A securitizing actor articulates ac already politicized issue as an existential threat to a referent object
conclusion What benefits can we get from this new concept? (the foreign policy of Japan n Canada, the international criminal court, the international campaign to Ban Land Mines, and the ICISS and the Responsibility to Protect) What are your nation’s threats nowadays?
Thank YOU!