Angles – Part Notation, Definitions& Measurement of Angles Coterminal, Right, Complementary, Supplementary Angles & Intro to Radians Practice Problems
Notation Variables for angles Frequently Greek letters a (alpha) b (beta) g (gamma) Q (theta) 2
Definitions Initial side Point of origin for measuring a given angle Typically 0˚ (360˚) Terminal Side Ending point for measuring a given angle Can be any size 3
Measurement Clockwise (CW) Negative Angle Counter-Clockwise (CCW) Positive Angle 4
Measurement (Cont.) Degrees May be in decimal form (72.64˚) May be in Degrees/Minutes/Seconds (25˚ 43’ 37”) Minutes ( ’ ) 60’ = 1˚ Seconds ( ” ) 60” = 1’ 90˚ = 89˚ 59’ 60” 5
Measurement (Cont.) Radians Similar to degrees Always measured in terms of pi ( π ) 360˚/0˚ = 2 π 90˚ = π /2 180˚ = π 270˚ = 3 π /2 6
Coterminal Angles Have the same initial and terminal sides 7
Finding Coterminal Angles Add multiples of 360˚ Subtract Multiples of 360˚ Example: Find 4 coterminal angles of 60˚ 60˚ + 360˚ = 420˚ 60˚ + 720˚ = 780˚ 60˚ – 360˚ = -300˚ 60˚ – 720˚ = -660˚ Answer: 420˚, 780˚, -300˚, -660˚ 8
Defining Angles Right Angles measure 90˚ 9
Finding Complimentary Angles For degrees: = 90˚ - Q or = 89˚ 59’ 60” – Q Example: Find the angle complementary to 73.26˚ 10
Finding Complementary Angles Example 2: Find the angle that is complementary to 25˚ 43’ 37”. 11
Finding Complementary Angles For Radians = π /2 – Q Example: Find the complementary angle of π /4 radians. 12
Finding Supplementary Angles For degrees = 180˚ - Q For radians = π - Q 13
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