Online Health Promotion Resources SFU Health Promotion
HEALTH & COUNSELLING SERVICES The Wellness Wheel Use the Wellness Wheel to determine what areas of your life are balanced and what areas need some attention. There is a wellness quiz and resources both on an off campus to connect to.
HEALTH & COUNSELLING SERVICES Sleep Website Tired of being tired? This website was developed to provide the tools you need to get your ZZZZs. getting-enough-/home.html
HEALTH & COUNSELLING SERVICES The Dish: SFU's Nutrition Blog Do you have questions about food and nutrition? The Dish, SFU's Nutrition Blog, is the place for you to have your questions answered by a Registered Dietitian.
HEALTH & COUNSELLING SERVICES Internet Use and Gaming Website Could you be addicted to the internet? Many students are and don't even know it Check out the self- assessment quiz and resources on this website. web-/home.html
HEALTH & COUNSELLING SERVICES Online Yoga De-stress wherever you are with online yoga videos. View videos of different lengths and yoga styles.
HEALTH & COUNSELLING SERVICES Peer Health Education Student volunteers provide resources and information on various health topics (nutrition, sexual health, physical activity, mental health). Watch for them around campus. education/forstudents/healthpeers.html