Idleb Governorate It's situated to the west-north of Syria. Because of its place, it joins between the coastal and internal areas,. It occupies 6100 km2. Its population is persons. Its centre is Idleb city. It's divided departmentally into five areas: Idleb, Alma'ara, Ariha, Jisr Alshoghor and Harem. Its climate is moderate in summer (28°) and cold and rainy in winter (10°).
The life in this governorate depends on agriculture because of the fertility of land and the availability of water where Al-Asi (The Orontes) penetrates watering large areas. It's famous for olive, wheat, cotton and fruits, especially cherries. Also, in Jisr Alshoghor, there are natural and mineral water-springs; the sulfuric baths of Shiek Issa
Questions : Where is Idleb Governorate located ? How many areas is it divided to? What’s the weather like in Idleb? What does the life in this city depend on ?
عمل عمل الطالبات حميدة ضبع (جامع معلومات) نور عبدان (منسق ) علياء دروبه ( كاتب) رهف قبيشو (طرح أسئلة) رهف اليوسف ( ناطق) وئام السهو ( ضبط الوقت) بإشرافبإشراف المدرسة : إنعام مرتيني