Can you tell whether the weather will be wetter or better? Using clouds to make forecasts
For each of the following photos, try to forecast what the weather will be for that day.
What are these clouds and what conditions do they predict?
Cloud Type: Stratocumulus Forecast: The presence of these clouds incidates an immediate threat of bad weather from a sprinkle to heavy precipitation. If they are at the head of a cold front, they may be accompanied by gusty winds or a thundershower.
What are these clouds and what conditions do they predict?
Cloud Type: Nimbostratus Forecast: These are rain or snow clouds, depending on the temperature. Precipitation will likely be of long duration if winds are NE to S, or of shorter duration if winds are SW W to N.
What are these clouds and what conditions do they predict?
Cloud Type: Stratus Forecast: Winds from NE to S may bring heavy precipitation. Other winds may bring only a light drizzle or overcast skies.
What are these clouds and what conditions do they predict?
Cloud Type: Cirrus Forecast: The appearance of these ice clouds portends good weather if winds are from W NW to N. Precipitation will be likely within 20 to 30 hours if winds remain steady from NE, E to S.
What are these clouds and what conditions do they predict?
Cloud Type: Cumulonimbus Forecast: Precipitation is likely and soon, coming usually from SW W to N. Distant clouds often show an anvil-shaped cirroform cap.