W ELCOME TO ESL! With Ms. Wright
C LASSROOM RULES 1. Arrive on time 2. Come prepared to learn 3. Respect yourself and others
R ULE #1 Arrive on time Before the bell
R ULE #2 Come to class prepared to learn
R ULE #3 Respect yourself and others How do you show respect?
E VERYDAY 1. Enter the room quietly 2. Sit in your seat and take out materials 3. Do “Bell Ringer” assignment on board
AR You MUST do 5 points of AR each quarter You will receive EXTRA CREDIT for more points. If you want to read extra in native language… SEE ME
P ARTICIPATION 5 points a day How to gain points Raising hand Being respectful to teacher and other students Paying attention How to lose points Shouting out and answer Head down Off task
V OCABULARY Q UIZ When? Every Friday
I NDEX CARD 1. Your name 2. Home language 3. Favorite school subject 4. Computer or internet at home? 5. Interesting fact about you Example 1.Ms. Wright 2.English 3.Reading 4.Yes 5.I have 2 dogs