Humans Ablation/lesion studies - first way to study Imaging - structure - X-ray, CT, MRI - function - PET, fMRI, EEG
Radio active L-DOPA in Basal Ganglia
Cooling the brain - affects activity
RF lesion
Electrical techniques Stimulation - see what happens - motor - perceptual Recording - intracellular - extracellular - multiple units - invasive EEG
Excitotoxic lesion - right damaged
Activity (in dead animals) 2-deoxyglucose - glucose - only energy - 2-DG - radioactive variety - taken up, not metabolized - prepare slices like x-ray - dark spots, high activity
Behavioral Techniques Neuropsychological Testing - Humans Wechler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) - language (receptive vs production) - language lateralization - memory - types - frontal lobe function - Wisconsin Card Sorting
Species common behavior - open field test - aggressive/defensive - intruder paradigm - sexual behaviors - male vs female
Conditioning Paradigms - animal learning - classic - operant Semi-natural animal learning paradigms - taste aversion - radial arm maze - Morris maze (milk maze) - defensive burying