To provide every BMT student, any other SVC student, and community members with valuable tools and networks to accelerate success and credibility in their personal and professional lives.
By June of 2014, the Business Management Club is an effective business organization capable of generating growth in finance, entrepreneurship, and business innovation and viewed as such by the entire business community north of Seattle and south of Canada.
Our role in the community is to be the liaison between the college and the local businesses as well as grow our own personal strengths to become the next business leaders.
Forming Developing a group brainstorming individual strengths Storming Question & strategy Norming Socially accepted behaviors articulated by group Performing Can work collectively and cohesively to generate bottom line results with continuous stimulus Adjourning Mainly in a group project/assignment that will come to an end
Positive Engagement Practice Communication Framework Group Process Conflict Management System
Internal Personal Factors Behavior Environment Conflict Management Communication Framework Leadership Effectiveness Albert Bandura’s Self-Efficacy Model
Bottom Line Results
High Performance Work Teams
Positive Work Environment
High Performance Work Teams Productivity Bottom Line Results Positive Engagement Practice Communication Framework Group Process Conflict Management System