Medical Terminology The Urinary System Chapter 11 Unit 11
Medical Terminology Combining form/word root Meaning bacteri/o bacteria cyst/o bladder, sac glomerul/o glomerulus hemat/o blood lith/o stone nephr/o nephron(cell of the kidney) ren/o kidney noct/o night py/o pus algia pain pathy disease
Medical Terminology Combining form/word root Meaning pyel/o renal pelvis ur/o, urin/o urine ureter/o ureter urethr/o urethra albumin/o protein olig/o scanty(small) an, a not, without poly excessive rrhagia(rageia) bursting forth (of blood)
Medical Terminology Anuria An/uria The absence of urine formation by the kidneys Cystalgia Cyst/algia Pain in the urinary bladder Cystectomy Cyst/ectomy The surgical removal of the urinary bladder Cystocele Cyst/o/cele A hernia of the bladder(also called a fallen bladder) Cystolith Cyst/o/lith A stone located in the urinary bladder Dysuria Dys/uria Difficult or painful urination
Medical Terminology Lithotomy Lith/otomy Surgical incision for the removal of a stone Nephritis Nephr/itis Inflammation of the kidney or kidneys Nephrolith Nephr/o/lith A stone located in the kidney Nephrologist Nephr/ologist A physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of the kidneys
Medical Terminology Nephropathy Nephr/o/pathy Any disease of the kidney(s) Nephropyosis Nephr/o/py/osis Condition of discharge(pus) from the kidney(s) Nocturia Noct/uria Excessive urination during the night Polyuria Poly/uria Excessive urination Hyperproteinuria Hyper/protein/uria The presence of abnormally high concentrations of protein in the urine
Medical Terminology Prostatitis Prostat/itis An inflammation of the prostate gland Pyelonephritis Pyelo/nephr/itis An inflammation of both the renal pelvis and of the kidney Ureterorrhagia Uretero/rrhagia The discharge of blood from the ureter(s)
Medical Terminology Urethrostenosis Urethr/o/stenosis Abnormal narrowing(tightening) of the urethra Urologist Urol/ogist A physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of the urinary system Oliguria Olig/uria Scanty (small) production of urine What is another name for urination? Voiding Medical term for bed wetting during sleep Nocturnal enuresis