This Wolf Communication presentation was one example of the presentations I would give when I interned at the International Wolf Center. While the presentation itself is by no means complicated, I often adapted it to fit different crowds in different settings. For example, for an older audience in an auditorium I would use the power point and play recordings of different wolf howls. For a younger audience, perhaps outdoors, I would rely less on the power point and more on props that I could bring that would not only remind me of what I should talk about but also serve as a tangible object that the kids could touch and interact with. Also with younger audiences, instead of playing audio clips of howling I would do the different types of howls myself and, after a couple of rounds, encourage them to join along.
Vocalizations Body Posturing Olfaction
Relationship to wildlands seeks to advance the survival of wolf populations by teaching about: Wolves Human role in their future
Gray WolfRed Wolf
Positive DominancePositive Submission Negative SubmissionNegative Dominance
10 miles Territorial Defense