GAME SENSE COACHING & DECISION-MAKING Year 11 P.E Kate Grainger Chairo Chrsitian School “When are we going to play a game?”
WHAT IS GAMES SENSE??? Game Sense is a relatively new approach to teaching and coaching which uses games as the focus of the session. By focusing on the game, rather than on technique practice, players are encouraged to become more tactically aware and make better decisions during the game, as well as beginning to think strategically about game concepts whilst developing skills within a realistic context and most importantly, having fun. THE COACH ACTS AS A FACILITATOR!
What is ‘skill’? 4 + Pressure Skill = Technical skill Tactical skill + Features of Game Sense drills: 1.‘Open’ skill drills (repetition of a skill in variable situations) 2.Implicit learning 3.Questioning 4.Repetition of tactical scenarios 5.Variable conditions “Great players are NOT born – they are developed through practice and hard work!” (Jordan)
Training involves 3 main areas of improvement: IMPLICIT: learning through experience without direct instruction EXPLICIT: learning through direct instruction (1) Technical skill (2) Tactical skill** (3) Style of play Eg. Kick to adv, cont marking, set shots Improve DM Skill eff under pressure Framework within decisions are made Team plays/structures High reps/low pressure Explicit & implicit Indiv/small-sided drill High reps/pressure Implicit/variable Small-sided games Low reps/pressure Large-sided games Explicit & implicit Structured scenarios
How does Game Sense work? 1.Techniques (movement patterns) can break down in competitive situations with ‘distractions’ 2.Practicing with variety of scenarios can improve attention to only ‘relevant’ cues 3.ImprovE skills through ‘experience’ i.e., learning from good and poor decisions 4.Repetition – small-sided games 5.Skill becomes automatic (sub-conscious) 6.‘Need to make mistakes to learn!’ 6 “A poor performance is not failure, it is feedback!”
COACHING GAME SENSE 1.Aim or theme (expected outcomes?) 2.Small-sided (2-6) 3.Replicate typical scenarios 4.Length – time for repetition 5.Main rules & area 6.Variations of game 7.Prepare questions 8.Block or Random/variable practice? GUIDELINES FOR DEVELOPING GAMES/TRAINING
8 1.(Explain purpose) 2.Brief explanation of rules/limitations 3.Let game ‘play’ & observe (evaluate) 4.Is it working? Modifications? 5.Vary pressure/difficulty 6.Ask individual questions during game 7.Teachable Moments 8.Freeze play – ‘walk through’ demo 9.Feedback on decisions 10.Turn FB into questions GUIDELINES FOR TEACHING THE GAME COACHING GAME SENSE
9 1.TIME – when should you…….? 2.SPACE – where should you…….? 3.RISK – which option…….? 4.EXECUTION – how should you……? QUESTIONING Coach’s role to assist players in solving tactical problems 4 concepts: Turn feedback into questions: when, what, where, why, how? COACHING GAME SENSE Use open-ended questions
10 1.Level of pressure/tackling 2.Size/shape of area 3.No of players/size of teams 4.Rules 5.Time in possession 6.Method of scoring/points eg. 3 pt 7.Positions/zones COACHING GAME SENSE CONSTRAINTS-LED APPROACH – modifications to games
11 1.Give one group a task 2.Set scenarios 3.Observation 4.Experienced vs inexperienced PRESENTING GAMES: To develop strategy we can: COACHING GAME SENSE
12 1.Did game address aims? 2.Could game be modified? 3.Sufficient repetition of skills? 4.Player involvement maximised? 5.Game progressions? EVALUATING THE GAME COACHING GAME SENSE
13 Participate in the following Handball game sense lesson and discuss the strategic questions and ways of facilitating the lesson as you go… Create your own games sense lesson based on a sport of your choice - template on the last slide… Game Sense Practical Activity: