Food Vocabulary: Fruits and Vegetables Prof. Myrna Monllor English 031 All pictures taken from for educational
Fruits Acerola cherry Passion fruit apple blueberry cantaloupestarfruit
Fruits strawberrypear banana cherrygrapesguava
Fruits Honeydew melonraspberrylemon orangespineapplewatermelon
Fruits pomegranate soursup tamarind Mango/mangoes papayaQuenepa/Spanish lime
Fruits raisin Peach/peaches kiwi plum
Vegetables Long coriander lettuce Coriander or cilantro Tomato/tomatoes Garlic/garlic clove Potato/potatoes
Vegetables eggplant onionpeppers cabbageCherry tomatoespumpkin
Vegetables corn/corn on the cobyucca Plantain/plantains Pidgeon peas Red Kidney Beans
Vegetables chickpeas Green beans avocado breadfruit cauliflower Sweet potato/yam