What Do the Buttons Do… = go to the next slide = go to the previous slide = go back to the home page = go to the vocabulary list When you see click on it to receive a fun fact to read! Home Fun Fact!
Vocabulary Carbohydrates = found in two forms: starches and grains. Gives you energy. Calcium = helps the body function. Keeps your bones and teeth strong. Vitamin C = found in many fruits and vegetables and it important for you to grow (if the one of these words in underlined on a page, just click on the vocabulary button and it will bring you to this page) Home
Andy the Apple here! I am here to help you through this assignment. I hope that you have fun and learn a lot! Home
Click on the six section of the Food Guide to learn about them! The six section of the Food Guide Pyramid! “Healthy” and “Unhealthy” Foods! Home
Sections of the Food Pyramid Home Good choice!
Sweets, oils, & sugar Dairy Click on the food group that you would like to learn about! Home Once you have visited each section, click here to move on! Once you have visited each section, click here to move on! Fruits Meats & Protein Vegetables Breads & Grains
Fats, Oils, & Sugars This food group is to be used as little as possible. Fats and oils would consist of butter, gravy, and salad dressing. Sugars would include candy, sodas, and sweet desserts. Home
Click on each of the sweets to learn about their nutritional information! Home Click here once you have visited each sweet
Mmmm….Doughnut Holes! Doughnut holes are a very delicious food, but do you know what you are eating? With 3 doughnut holes – 156 calories – 21 carbohydrates – 9 grams of fat Home
Vocabulary Carbohydrates = found in two forms: starches and grains. Gives you energy. Calcium = helps the body function. Keeps your bones and teeth strong. Vitamin C = found in many fruits and vegetables and it important for you to grow Home
Thirsty?... Don’t grab a soda! Maybe your parents don’t allow you to drink soda often or maybe you have soda a lot. Soda is considered a sweet and is bad for the health of your body and harms your teeth. In one can of pepsi there are: — 150 calories — 41 carbohydrates — 41 grams of sugar Home
Vocabulary Carbohydrates = found in two forms: starches and grains. Gives you energy. Calcium = helps the body function. Keeps your bones and teeth strong. Vitamin C = found in many fruits and vegetables and it important for you to grow Home
Dairy For this food group it is recommended that you have 2-3 servings per day. Fun Fact!! There are over 300 varieties of cheese sold in the United States. Home
What do you think would be one serving in the dairy food group? 1 cup of milk = 1 serving of your dairy 2 ounces of cheese = 1 serving 8 ounces of yogurt = 1 serving These are equal because they have the same amount of calcium as 1 cup of milk. Home
Vocabulary Carbohydrates = found in two forms: starches and grains. Gives you energy. Calcium = helps the body function. Keeps your bones and teeth strong. Vitamin C = found in many fruits and vegetables and it important for you to grow Home
Fruits In this food group you are recommended to eat 2-4 servings per day. Fun Fact!! When you eat fruits with lots of vitamin C, like oranges, it will heal cuts and wounds faster and will also make teeth nice and strong! Home What kind of fruit am I?
Vocabulary Carbohydrates = found in two forms: starches and grains. Gives you energy. Calcium = helps the body function. Keeps your bones and teeth strong. Vitamin C = found in many fruits and vegetables and it important for you to grow Home
Did you know these fruits existed? Jackfruits grow in tropical areas like Brazil and have a taste like a tart banana. Papaya comes in many colors and sizes and is sometimes called “the fruit of the angels” Acai can be found in the Amazon rainforest and offers many, many health benefits Home
Meat and Protein In this food group, you are allowed to have 2-3 servings per day Protein builds up, maintains, and replaces tissues in your body. Fun Fact!! There would be no life without protein! It is that important for your body! Home
What could you eat to get one serving of meat and protein? Would it be… a.) 10 ounces of steak b.) one egg c.) one cup of broccoli Choose your answer! Home
Yes! One egg is equal to one serving of the meats and proteins section! Also equal to one serving is ounces of meat - 2 tbsp. peanut butter -1/3 cup of peanuts Home
Sorry! 10 ounces meat is too much for one serving. A serving of meat would be 2-3 ounces. Home It’s alright, just try again!
Sorry! One cup of broccoli is a serving size in the vegetable category, not the meat and protein. It’s alright, just try again! Home
Vegetables This section in the food pyramid recommends that you eat 3-5 servings per day. Fun Fact!! Most of the nutrients in a potato are found right below the skin of the potato. Home Make sure you eat your veggies!
What would you consider eating to get one serving of vegetables? (click on the each choice to see if it is equal to one serving!) ¾ cup of vegetable juice One whole carrot 1 cup of raw vegetables Home = one serving Does not equal one serving = one serving
Breads and Grains This is the largest section of the pyramid and it is recommended that you eat 6-11 servings a day. Fun Fact!! Each American eats, on average, 53 pounds of bread per year! Home
Click the T for true if you think the food belongs in the bread and grains category, and click the F for false if you think it does not belong in the bread and grains category. pasta peanut butter cereals tortilla shell Home T F T T F F F T
Click on the next section to learn more! The 6 sections of the Food Guide Pyramid! “Healthy” and “Unhealthy” Foods! Home
“healthy” and “unhealthy” foods! Home
What would you consider to be a healthy snack? COOKIESCOOKIES CHIPS &DIPCHIPS &DIP VEGGIES & RANCH Home Be sure to click your answer!
Correct!! Vegetables and ranch dip would be a healthy snack for you to eat after school! Rather than having lots of sweets, this snack will give you the energy you need to play with your friends. YAY!!! Home
Oops!! Potato chips and dip would not be a very healthy choice of snack after your hard day at school! Click the forward button to try again. Home Nice try!
Oops!! Even though cookies may be one of your first choices for a snack, it is not a very healthy choice (but who doesn’t love cookies!) Click on the forward button to try again. Home Nice try!
Now that you have chosen the healthy snack choice, what would be the definition of healthy? Healthy = having or enjoying good health. How can you get good health? By eating the right foods and the right amounts of those foods. Home
Video! Click the play button to watch the video about the nutrition label Home
What would you like to do now? Home Eenie Meenie Miney Moe?!
Quiz Time! Click the begin button to start your quiz to test what you have just learned. The quiz will be 5 questions and just answer them the best you can! Good Luck! BEGIN Home
Quiz 1.) Out of the choices below, which section of the food pyramid recommends you eat the most servings per day? a.) Fats, oils, and sugars b.) Breads and grains c.) Vegetables
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Better luck next time! Your answer is incorrect but you were so close! (click the button below to try again) Back to Question
Quiz 2.)The definition of the word healthy relates to foods you choose to eat and the amount you eat. T F HHMMM??
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Quiz 3.) 1 cup of milk equals______ serving(s) in the dairy group. a.) 2 b.) 1 c.) ½
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Quiz 4.) Look at the snack food label below. How much is equal to one serving? a.) 3 containers b.) 140 calories c.) 1 container
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Quiz 5.) Click on the picture below that has the most nutritional value based on the food guide pyramid Fruit and Yogurt French Fries Ice Cream Cone
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For extra practice…. Click on the boxes to place a check mark next to the food group that is in the correct spot based on the numbers in the pyramid Home 1 Fats, oils, and sugars 2 Fruits 3 Dairy 4 Meat and Protein 5 Bread and Grains 6 Vegetables
For extra practice…. See which boxes are checked to see if you got the answer from the previous slide right! Home 1 Fats, oils, and sugars 2 Fruits 3 Meat and Protein 4 Bread and Grains 5 Vegetables 6 Dairy
CONGRATULATIONS!! You have completed this lesson over the food guide pyramid! Great work and nice job!