My Personality: Discovering Who I Am College Prep 10 th Grade
Important Words Extravert Introvert Intuitive Sensing Subordinate Colleagues Personality Preference Predisposition Spontaneous Logic Structured
What is Personality ?
Personality Defined The sum total of the physical, mental, emotional, and social characteristics of an individual. The organized pattern of behavioral characteristics of the individual.
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Personality Type We are born with certain preferences that we develop over a lifetime. Each person is different and unique just like fingerprints or snow flakes. Knowing your personal strengths will increase self-understanding and help you make a good choices for a major.
Read Along Read out loud together If you lose this Packet it can be found on your student website under Fall Assignments.
16 Personalities Mind
16 Personalities Energy
16 Personalities Nature
16 Personalities Tactics
16 Personalities Identity
4 Dimensions of Personality Type Myers-Briggs Extravert or Introvert How we interact with the world and where we place our energy Sensing or Intuition The kind of information we naturally notice and remember Thinking or Feeling How we make decisions Judging or Perceptive Whether we prefer to live in a structured or more spontaneous way
16 Personalities There are no right or wrong answers. Answer quickly giving your first impression. Do not over analyze. Answer the questions honestly to get the best results. Answer the questions how you usually are when you are not stressed. Do not answer the questions: How you want to be How you have to be at home, work or school How others want you to be
Important There are no good or bad types. Each type has personal strengths that can be used in the world and workplace. Answer the questions honestly to get the best results. If you don’t answer the questions honestly, the career suggestions along with other important information will not be a good match for you.
Computer Lab Go to the computer lab and complete the assessment You must be complete with questions 1, 2, 3 by the end of the class period.
Recapitulation Day 2 What is the difference between extraversion and introversion? What is another way to describe the judging type? Sensing? Some personalities are better than others? Personality assessments can help you find an exact career path?
Personality Scenarios In your groups please read each scenario Discuss what you would do in each situation You will have ten minutes I will call on you randomly to share what your group discussed
Job Box Activity Think about why knowing your personality is important to career planning. Why is career planning valuable to selecting a major in college?
Keys to Success: Find Your Passion The secret of success is making your vocation your vacation. -- Mark Twain
Keys to Success: Find Your Passion 3 Types of Work: 1.A job (what you do for a paycheck) 2.A career (personally meaningful work) 3.A calling (a passionate commitment) Martin Seligman says that you know you have found a calling when you are in the stare of flow. He defines flow as: a complete absorption in an activity whole challenges mesh perfectly with your abilities.
Read Along Read the article provided out loud together Discuss in groups your thoughts Complete questions from My Personality: Who Am I Worksheets in COMPUTER LAB. CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING QUIZ AS EXIT TICKET! Manage your time wisely!
Recapitulation Day 3 Was the 16personalities profile a close match to your traits? Can knowing your personality preferences and traits help you narrow down a major in college? How does this lesson help you in the “real world” make some connections and share.
How we Interact and where we place our energy Personality and Work Environment Extraverts Are career generalists Like variety and action Are good at communication Like to talk while working Learn by talking with others Like to work as part of a team Introverts Are career specialists Like quiet for concentration Think before acting Prefer written communication Learn by reading Prefer working alone
Sample Careers Extravert Customer service Sales Public relations Human resources Physical therapist Financial advisor Business management Introvert Computer scientist Software engineer Scientist Engineer Accountant Graphic designer Pharmacist Artist
Information we notice and remember Personality and Work Environment Sensing Are realistic and practical Like standard ways of doing the job Focus on facts and details Learn from experience Like tangible outcomes Use common sense Intuitive Like challenging and complex problems Like new ways of doing the job Focus on the big picture Value creative insight, creativity, imagination and originality
Sample Careers Sensing Business executives Accountants Police and detectives Judges Lawyers Computer programmers Doctors and dentists Interior decorators Intuitive Scientists Engineers Psychologists Artists Photographers Actors Professors Writers
How we make decisions Personality and Work Environment Thinking Use logic to make decisions Objective and rational Like to be respected for their expertise Follow policy Firm-minded and sometimes critical Value money, prestige and power Feeling Use personal values to make decisions Promote harmony Relate well to others Enjoy providing service to others Value careers that make a contribution to humanity
Sample Careers Thinking Business managers and administrators Lawyer Judge Computer Specialist Scientist Engineers Mathematicians Doctors and dentists Military leaders Feeling Child care workers Social workers Counselors Family practice physicians Pediatricians Interior decorators Photographers Artists and musicians
More Structure or Spontaneity Personality and Work Environment Judging Prefer structure and organization Like to have the work finished Prefer clear and definite assignments Perceptive Like to be spontaneous and go with the flow Good at dealing with the unplanned and unexpected Prefer flexible work environments Stressed by deadlines
Sample Careers Judging Business executives Managers Accountants Financial officers Police and detectives Judges Lawyers Computer programmers Military leaders Perceptive Pilots Athletes Paramedics Police and detective work Forensic pathologists Engineers Scientists Carpenters Artists and musicians
College Prep Final Exam Part 1 Read and follow the directions CAREFULLY Ask Questions NOW Submit Assignment through by December 10 th Read and follow the direction CAREFULLY Ask Questions!
Know Thyself: Creating Your Profile Part 2 Must have your 4 letter identifier and category name, Your real name, attributes, traits, potential careers and majors, picture of you whether printed or drawn. They need to be worthy of hanging in the hallway and will be a test grade. Look at some examples Presenting during Final Exam Day after your Final Exam Part 3.