The Role of an Access Programme: Lessons for FP7 Birgitta Nordström Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen University Denmark
Birgitta Nordström OPTICON Edinburgh 22 June, 2006 Basic rationale for a European access programme: Enable the best science projects to use the best telescopes at the best sites Make sure the best telescopes receive (all) the best proposals Extend this endeavour to all European communities No joint NORTHERN facilities exist -> an access programme is ESSENTIAL! Improve performance through coordination and specialization of instruments Improve cost-effectiveness by better coordination of operations Extra funding is needed to make this happen!
Birgitta Nordström OPTICON Edinburgh 22 June, 2006 OPTICON Access Programme in FP6 Supported by the EC Research Infrastructure Programme (~5M€ for ) Observing time at 22 European 2- 4m class telescopes Available to astronomers from all EU Member and Associated States Priority to users without access to similar infrastructures
Birgitta Nordström OPTICON Edinburgh 22 June, 2006 OPTICON Access Programme in FP6 Achievements during FP (halfway through the programme) ~719 nights/days of access time provided (~3-5% of time available) Top ranked proposals exceed budgets; funding, not science, is limiting factor! ~140 programmes ~720 participants (users) from ~30 countries ~140 travel & subsistence grants to observers (20 countries) 65% of these are new (first-time) users Detailed follow-up and feedback from users The access programme has been a great success!
Birgitta Nordström OPTICON Edinburgh 22 June, 2006 OPTICON Access Programme in FP6 Not normalised to population of country!
Birgitta Nordström OPTICON Edinburgh 22 June, 2006 User comments Solar telescopes: “The OPTICON Access Programme has enabled me to join the observations with a big solar telescope for the first time. I have learned there not only how to observe with such a telescope, but also how to made the first data processing. I would not have been able to join this observation campaign without this funding opportunity.” (Czech Republic) “Great European idea realized by the OPTICON staff in a perfect way. Without this EU support it would be impossible to realize such observing program using both the SST and DOT solar telescopes at La Palma for us. Many thanks for selecting our proposal and for scientific and technical support provided by the teams of the instruments.” (Slovakia)
Birgitta Nordström OPTICON Edinburgh 22 June, 2006 User comments (cont.) Night-time telescopes: “First, I have to thank OPTICON and the EU for the possibility to observe at ESO 3.6m (no other alternative was available to finance that trip). The staff at ESO 3.6 is very friendly and helps to solve any problems in due time. So, all-in-all it was a great success. Thank you! (Austria)“ “OPTICON gave me the opportunity to travel to La Palma and observe with the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG). This allowed me to learn what observing is like and to do observations for my own research which was a great experience from which I will certainly benefit in the future (The Netherlands ).”
Birgitta Nordström OPTICON Edinburgh 22 June, 2006 OPTICON Access Programme in FP6 What went well in FP6? Enabled much new good best facilities Many new users got access - in tough competition European collaborations fostered/enhanced User fees used to improve quality of services Lots of interest in new model for access Much greater awareness of European context Ground prepared for more ambitious initiatives
Birgitta Nordström OPTICON Edinburgh 22 June, 2006 OPTICON Access Programme in FP7 What should we do better in FP7? More access time needed (Among the top ranked projects only half of those eligible for funding could be supported.) New initiatives to engage new communities - changing field of science takes time - integration takes time ⇒ more studentships ⇒ more systematic ’enhancement’ exchanges
Birgitta Nordström OPTICON Edinburgh 22 June, 2006 OPTICON Access Programme in FP7 What should we do better in FP7? (cont.) More progress on coordinating instruments Joint proposal & time allocation procedures? More progress on joint operations Support for regular facility upgrades to be included New long-term role as ESO focuses on the BIG things? Further ideas ?