CVT Project Kite HetNet Simulator Kevin Breitenother Brian Senior
Connected Vehicle Technology Communication of data such as speed, location, trajectory projection and direction of movement between vehicles Occur as vehicle to vehicle as well as through roadside infrastructure Current connected Vehicle Technologies can be improved through Cloud based technology
Why Use Cloud Based Technologies? Current technologies such as VSSIM and VNS suffer due to locally installed software Using the cloud will help: Limit data loss Limit hardware, and installation costs of locally installed software Easier Data Sharing More flexible licensing, scalability
Project Kite Open source cloud based vehicular simulator to support vehicle communication Uses heterogeneous networks to communicate information Allows for user interaction and customization Includes web based GUI to develop topologies for simulators
Case Diagram
Potential Applications Collision Prevention Improve traffic operation Improve Car performance Reduce energy consumption, pollution levels Important data for road improvements
Collision Report System
Trajectory Prediction
Business Opportunities and expansion Software as a service Personal Subscriptions Cellular Communication Companies Government Car Dealerships/Manufacturers Private Sector