Part 4 of Monomyth Trial and Quest 1.Quest is the only myth –All other myths are part of the biq quest –The hero’s whole life from birth to death to apotheosis is the quest –The quest myth represents man’s search for the self (meaning of one’s existence – or one’s place in the world)
Part 4 of Monomyth Trial and Quest 2.Quests involve tasks, trials, and challenges Theseus (kill the Minotaur) Heracles (12 labors) Perseus (kill Medusa) George slays the dragon Completed tasks prove supreme manhood Hero goes far from home to be tested
Part 4 of Monomyth Trial and Quest 3. Quests could also involve search for elixir of life (eternal life) Jesus Quest Holy Grail (Arthur, Sir Gawain, Percival, Sir Lancelot) Quetzalcoatl Gilgamesh (in search of plant that gives eternal life)
Part 4 of Monomyth Trial and Quest 4. Quest is often made to atone for (or fix) the mistakes, sins, shortcomings of the father Hercules’ 12 labors Luke (Star Wars) Pirates of the Carribean (Will Turner) Simba (revenging the father) Lion King 2 Indiana Jones (living up to father)
Part 4 of Monomyth Trial and Quest 5.Quest or Trials begin with a “Call to Adventure” –Sometimes hero declines… “withdrawal” –Eventually hero will accept the challenge and the journey begins –Bird came to Theseus –R2D2 shows Leia’s holographic message –Bilbo/Gandalf give ring to Frodo