Functions in Everyday Life MCHS College Algebra
Function Unit Purpose Engage students in relating equations to graphical representations. Allow students the opportunity to find functions in their everyday lives. Create a photo gallery of functions in the “real” world.
Project Objective The students will review the process used to graph the parent functions in class. Then the students will take pictures of their surroundings that closely represent the functions. The students will use Geometer’s Sketchpad to draw the functions on top of the picture. Finally, the students will post their pictures to our class website.
Possible Functions Squaring or Cubing Functions
Possible Functions Square Root or Cube Root Functions
Possible Functions Absolute Value or Greatest Integer Function
Possible Functions Piecewise Function
Student Projects Link to Class WebsiteWebsite Student Comments – I didn’t realize that these functions really are around us. – This was a neat project to see how math is in the real world. – I thought I would have a hard time finding stuff to take pictures of, but I have too many to pick from.