JIDOKA Business Excellence Revision A October 5, 2007 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka
2 Overview & Scope3 Founder & Technical elements of TPS4-5 Definition of Jidoka6-9 Benefits of Jidoka10-12 4 Parts of Jidoka13 Practical application of Jidoka14-23 Implementation & sustain model24 Table of contents
3 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka Overview & Scope The Toyota Production System is a house with two pillars. One pillar represents just-in-time (JIT), and the other pillar the concept of jidoka. The house will not stand without both pillars. Yet many of us focus on the mechanisms of implementation--one piece flow, pull production, takt time, standard work, kanban--without linking those mechanisms back to the pillars that hold up the entire system. JIDOKA is the key to making the entire system stick. Just-In-Time
4 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka Founder of Jidoka Taiichi Ohno, worked for a small Japanese automobile manufacturer named Toyota. Toyota was under extreme pressure to cut costs and increase efficiency. Ohno went to the United States to study Ford’s assembly lines. He returned to Japan and with his colleagues at Toyota, focused on relentlessly eliminating wasted time and activity in every part of the manufacturing process. Costs and Production Lead times came down dramatically. They also developed a breakthrough process for rapidly changing over equipment and production lines to produce a variety of models on the same line. He also adapted what Toyoda, Founder of the Toyota Group had invented in 1902, a power loom that stopped anytime a thread broke and was re-started after fixing the problem thereby preventing a recurrence. This was the first example of Jidoka (Stop At An Abnormality), and he combined this with other Key concepts such as Just-In-Time (JIT) and Heijunka (Level Loading) to form the Toyota Production System … the foundation for Lean Manufacturing.
5 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka Technical Elements of TPS Kanban Just-in-time Small lot delivery Jidoka or quality in the process Heijunka or leveling of demand Visual control 5S or clean, orderly worksites Flextronics Lean Enterprise ~ To make things in the right way ~ Machine Man Material Standard Work Takt Time Production Standard WIP Kanban One Piece Flow Production Supermarket System Pull system Production Andon Operational Availability (Autonomation) JIDOKA Stop at every Abnormality To make products at a time at good timing when it is sold Just-In-Time Leveled Production
6 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka What’s Jidoka 自動化( JIDOKA, means Automation ) 自働化( JIDOKA, meant Autonomation ) by TOYOTA, you cannot find this in Japanese dictionary You can find this word in Japanese dictionary 動: Move 働: Work What’s difference between 自動化 JIDOKA and 自働化 JIDOKA? In Japanese,
7 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka 自動化 (Automation) Good Bad Keep machine producing products without thinking Just moving not working Moving system => TOYOTA defined such system as “ 自動機 ” Doesn’t respond to abnormalities So keep producing defects - Old Concept
8 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka 自働化 (JIDOKA) Good Bad Producing products with a sense of judgment Working system => TOYOTA defined such system as “ 自働機 ” Immediately respond to abnormalities Stop producing when any defect is found Producing value added products only => Working - New Concept
9 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka Jidoka is the Future Quality System ABC Rework Insp. Scrap Ship Traditional Method Ship Lean Method Build in quality at each process Jidoka is the Path to Zero Defect Build in quality at each process Never pass defects to next operation Detecting abnormalities Responding immediately Eliminating causes ABC What’s major disadvantage of traditional method?
10 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka Why Jidoka ? Process capabilities. Containment. Defects are quickly identified and contained in the zone. Feedback. So that quick countermeasures can be taken. (Catch the killer on the spot is better then finding from the clue after escaped of the killer.) Jidoka is one of the factors for the success of Lean implementation High defect rates lead to frequent line stoppages, which will make the flow and pull difficult. Defects will jeopardize the takt time and make the process unevenness, increase lead time and cost.
11 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka Looms to Cars Toyoda Family’s First Improvement See at a glance - at a distance - that all threads are OK See at a glance - at a distance - that one thread is broken. Could easily make this stop the loom automatically Session 1
12 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka Problem Solving The root of the problem solving approach embedded in Jidoka thinking is PDCA. PDCA has its roots in the Scientific Method: The scientific method has four steps 1.Observation and description of a phenomenon or group of phenomena. 2. Formulation of an hypothesis to explain the phenomena. In physics, the hypothesis often takes the form of a causal mechanism or a mathematical relation. 3. Use of the hypothesis to predict the existence of other phenomena, or to predict quantitatively the results of new observations. 4. Performance of experimental tests of the predictions by several independent experimenters and properly performed experiments.
13 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka Jidoka Process Jidoka drives a four step process that engages when abnormalities occur: Detect the abnormality Stop – bring attention to the problem Fix or correct the immediate condition Investigate the root cause and install a countermeasure
14 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka Application of Jidoka Detect Immediate stop Fixed Stop Warn Incorporate immediate response and correction. Respond Restore to run condition immediately Preventive Action Investigate root cause Install root cause countermeasure Can/should be mechanized Must be designed into the human support system
15 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka JIDOKA - The ability for YOU to stop the process. What does it mean to you ? & what do I do?
16 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka Andon How do you do that? Trigger Andon Every person has the right to stop the line. Where you see an abnormality whether it be Safety or Quality. WE WANT YOU TO STOP THE LINE
17 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka Andon SEE IT HEAR IT Signal for action Signal for action
18 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka Jidoka
19 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka Andon Cycle Defect Occurrence Cycle Time 0 60 secs Response/Decision Time Andon Activated Process Stops Typical decision flow example
20 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka Andon Safety Concern - USE ANDON YOUR COMMUNICATION TO OTHERS Disconnected safety device
21 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka Andon Incorrect Material /Kanban - USE ANDON YOUR COMMUNICATION TO OTHERS
23 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka Andon
24 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka Application of Jidoka The resources necessary to respond, fix, and root cause analyze must be in place Expectations of 5 W’s and 1 H defined and adhered to Performance linked to expectations A true human support system must be created as a part of any Jidoka implementation.
25 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka Jidoka Build in mechanisms to prevent mass-production of defective work Autonomous check for the abnormal in a process Machines with capability to detect defects and respond accordingly Transfer human intelligence to automated machinery/systems. Not limited to machine processes; can be used with manual operations. Human support system to execute continuous improvement through prevention activities. Illuminates the causes of problems by stopping the process exactly as it was when a defects or abnormality was detected
26 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka Example of Jidoka Auto ejection is required Hanedashi Shuttle Safety Barrier Parts
27 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka Benefits Ensures & maintains safety Improved quality Empowers people Prevent defective items being delivered to next production phase Recognises abnormalities in automated production so adjustments/repairs can be made quickly Enables separation of machine and human work Eliminates the need for operators to continuously watch machines just in case defects occur Key driver for major gains in productivity
28 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka Zero Defect Approach The system or approach that executes the first 2 elements of Jidoka (Stop, and incorporate immediate cause and correction) Creates a layered framework designed to achieve Zero Product defects to customers.
29 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka ZQC - Zero Quality Control is based on the belief that it is possible to design systems, operations and processes that will yield Zero Defects! It recognizes that perfect Quality, not an acceptable statistically derived level of quality, is the only appropriate goal for production.
30 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka Errors vs Defects Product defects result from errors/mistakes Errors/Mistakes are a significant source of defects both internally and ultimately to our customers We can achieve Zero Defects by catching these errors/mistakes and preventing them from becoming Product defects
31 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka Simple mistakes or errors if not identified and corrected before processing become defects. Defects result from allowing a mistake to reach the customer and they are entirely AVOIDABLE. Defects are typically caused by: Inappropriate specifications or procedures Excessive variability in processes Excess variability or damage in raw materials Worn and unreliable equipment Simple human mistakes Errors vs Defects
32 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka Quality is built into each process. Jidoka: Send 100% defect free product to the next step. Rework Scrap Ship Traditional Method ABC Inspection A B C ABC Ship Lean Method Each process step Is error proofed Feedback is immediate
33 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka The 4 elements of ZQC 1. Source Inspection % inspection at the source 3. Rapid feedback and corrective action 4. Poka Yoke
34 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka Source Inspection (1 st Source Inspections) Keeps Errors from becoming defects The only kind of inspection focused on complete elimination of defects. Catches errors and gives immediate feedback about them, before processing, so the errors do not become defects. Asks.. what are the conditions necessary for success? And then builds in 100% checks for those conditions. Can include real time online Statistical Process Control.
35 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka 100% Inspection at Source oUnique in that it focuses on doing Source inspections on every product before operations. oIs applied in Self and Successive checks as well. oAttacks special causes and simple human or machine mistakes. oDoes not assume as does SQC that a certain number of defects is unavoidable.
36 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka Rapid Feedback and Corrective action oBuilt in philosophy of Jidoka oMake defects “ugly” so the system continually trains and challenges itself to fix root causes. oHelps identify true correction because the conditions that caused the defect are frozen real time. There is no guessing about what happened last night, week or month.
37 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka Poka Yoke POKA - Inadvertent mistake YOKE - to prevent Pronounced (POH-kah YOH-kay)
38 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka 4 th Poka Yoke oA mistake-proof / fail-safe system or technique to help in achieving Defect free production. oRelies on simple reliable devices more than operators to perform Source, successive check and self check inspections. oAims for reliable low cost implementation of 100% inspections. oBest ideas typically come from the shop floor.
39 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka Poka-yoke Used for visual control of quality to prevent defects from happening Poka-Yoke should be built into the process. It prevents making defects, sending defects to the next process, and accepting the defect at the next process. Right processing position Wrong processing position Right position
40 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka 7 Quality Check (Poka-Yoke) Part Removal (Hanedashi) Automation of Returns Automation of Stops Automation of Feed Automation of Holding Autonomation of processing Jidoka Put all of the principles together
41 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka What is Morning Market? The Morning Market is a daily process that makes defects and problems visible and creates an urgency to find a solution. A defect is anything that inhibits the flow of material, the flow of information, and the flow of product into our customers’ hands. By bringing problems to Morning Market and classifying by knowledge of root cause, teams are immediately engaged with problem solving and corrective action.
42 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka Morning Market - Asaichi Gemba kaizen Classification of defects
43 BE-TL2-005-DRAFT-Jidoka Elements of Good Asaichi Process 1.The design allows for real time identification. 2.Allows for operator input to error proof processes. 3.Material and tools (forms, bins) are presented at point of use based on frequency of use and ergonomics. 4.Material is controlled visually and easy to identify by Type A, B and C. 5.Countermeasure forms are initiated immediately. 6.Daily defect types are posted and actual data is collected. 7.Countermeasures are adopted, immediately put into action and standardized. 8.Gemba reviews happen at cell operator, cell triangle and management levels. 9.Real time and accurate information/material is sent to suppliers and supplying processes. 10.Supplier performance is closely monitored. 11.Type B and C occurrences generate variation reduction and six sigma projects. 12.No reports are required. The fallout is the report.