1 National responsibility and response. 2 Objectives  Introduce the concepts of primary and complementary responsibilities  Examine the foundation and.


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Presentation transcript:

1 National responsibility and response

2 Objectives  Introduce the concepts of primary and complementary responsibilities  Examine the foundation and implications of national responsibility towards IDPs  Identify the steps a state needs to take to fulfill its responsibility towards IDPs  Identify challenges to the prevention of displacement and responses to it

3 Primary and complementary responsibility Guiding principle three: National authorities have the primary duty and responsibility to provide protection and humanitarian assistance to IDPs. IDPs have the right to request and receive protection and humanitarian assistance from these authorities. Guiding principle 25: Complementarity and collaboration State International organisations CSOs Regional organisations IDPs Non- state groups

4 Prevention National awareness Data collection Training on IDPs’ rights Legal framework National policy Institutional focal point on IDPs IDPs’ participation Durable solutions Resources Cooperation w/ intergovernmental organisations/regional organisations National human rights institutions Sovereignty as responsibility Framework on national responsibility Displacement response

5 Data collection, registration and law and policy making  Preparation: to understand the scale and characteristics of the phenomenon  Drafting: to devise measures that truly respond to IDPs’ needs  Implementation: to allocate adequate resources Ukraine: Resolution 509  Establishes a unified registration system  Identifies the scale and scope of IDPs’ needs  Determines access to state support Challenges  Restrictive definition of an IDP  Difficulties in accessing registration system  Imposes time limit of six months Registration criteria should not lead to discrimination + Data protection in national legal system

6 IDPs’ participation Guiding principles 18 and 23 on protection and assistance for women and girls and 28.2 on durable solutions:  IDPs have the right to participation  Their participation makes responses more effective  It also reduces dependency and facilitates reintegration Yemen organised focus groups and workshops with more than 3,600 IDPs as part of its law and policy- making process

7 Adequate resources  Drafters should understand the resources available in advance  Law and policy development should be coordinated with annual budget cycles  If a focal point is appointed, it should be provided with the financial resources it needs to fufil its role Afghanistan’s 2013 national policy on IDPs states that the ministry in charge of implementation should engage in “resource mobilization and allocation, including through fund-raising from the national budget and the international community … for the implementation of the national and provincial action plans”. Azerbaijan revises its national budget for IDPs annually : $1 million allocated : $200 million allocated : $225 million allocated

8 Conclusions  Political, economic and social factors may challenge preventive action and responses to displacement  Understanding the causes of such issues allows the right institutional choices to be made  Raising awareness of displacement, allocating resources, guaranteeing participation and ensuring coordination are signs of national responsibility towards IDPs  The benchmarks of national response can be translated into concrete legal or policy arrangements