Career Access Network: Effective Coordination for Integrated WIA Service Delivery
Presentation Overview Introduce NCAC Discuss CAN (Work Incentive) grant Review service coordination Review of global coordination issues
What is NCAC? Metro Agency Receives Federal employment related funding Operating entity LWIA9, a 4 County region
Successful Coordination from the system’s perspective Identify partners Train on rules and regulations governing those services Understand the outcomes that they are trying to reach Look for areas of integration Formalize the processes: Whose job is it to do what? Clear contracts, MOUs, etc. All partners review processes for quality
Successes of coordination “High touch” Staff to an open ended system for the hard to serve Unorthodox connections to harder to serve job seekers for WIA, e.g. Drug Court, TANF, Public Housing residents Connection to Youth programs
Lessons Learned: Do not assume for system changes, you must make them happen on paper and through process Education/communication is critical between One stop staff and contract staff to facilitate integration Appreciate the strengths/weaknesses of all partners involved Find the shared vision