Hyperlinks are text strings or images on a webpage which when clicked on, links to another section in the same webpage or to a different webpage or to a different website. They work as references to other web pages or websites. Anchor tag is for this
Types of Hyperlinks Internal links Local links External links
Internal Links Links between different elements within the same webpage. Webpage 1 Library facility Sports facility Library facility __________________ Sports facility __________________
Bookmark allow the user to jump to a specific section of the Webpage. This is used when a lot of short information you want to place online in one file. Anchor tag with name attribute is used for creating a bookmark. After declaring the name, a reference point to that word is specified through HREF attribute.
Example: SCHOOL # tells the Anchor that it is looking for a section within the current document. THE SCHOOL CAMPUS
Local Links Links with other Webpages on the same webserver. Webpage 1 Library facility Sports facility Webpage 2 Library facility __________________ Webpage 3 Sports facility __________________
External Links Links with other Websites anywhere on the www. Website 1 Library facility Sports facility Website 2 Library facility __________________ Website 3 Sports facility __________________
LINKS Click here to me
To change the link color Use the following attributes along with the body tag alink="color" For the active link color vlink="color" For the visited link color Eg:
The Target Attribute With the target attribute, you can define where the linked document will be opened. "_BLANK" causes the linked document to load into a whole, newly created browser window which has no name. This new window will appear on top of the previous browser window; if this new browser window is eliminated, the previous browser window will remain. "_SELF" causes the linked document to load into the same browser window containing the hyperlink.
"_PARENT" causes the linked document to load into the parent (next higher) frameset in which the document containing the hyperlink is located. If the latter document has no parent frameset, this target name acts like "_SELF", described above. "_TOP" causes the linked document to load into the entire browser window. It “breaks through” all higher framesets in a nesting and surfaces at the top. If the document containing the hyperlink is part of the first frameset in a nesting of framesets, this target name acts like "_SELF", described above.
Defines the beginning and end of the table. Table Row - Defines the beginning and end of a horizontal row. Table Cell - Defines an individual cell. Cells are always placed inside a row. -TABLE HEADER To add more cells add more tags. To add more rows, add more tags with their respective cells.
Note: These attributes apply to the entire table - you can't specify spacing or padding for individual cells. To display a caption My Caption Spacing and Padding There are two ways to set the spacing around cells. cellspacing - Defines the space between cells. If a border is used, the spacing will widen the border. cellpadding - Defines the space inside each cell, i.e. the space between the edges of the cell and the content within it.
Tags that can be used inside the table tag:,
Width and Height The size of a table can be defined in two ways - as a fixed pixel value or as a percentage. If no percentage sign is used then the value is taken to mean pixels Although the height attribute is widely supported, it isn't actually part of the official HTML standard. It may not always work as you expect. If no size values are specified, the browser will decide on an appropriate size. Results will vary between browsers. If a table width is wider than the browser window, the page will not fit on the screen and horizontal scroll bars will appear. The percentage value applies to whatever "container" the table is in, meaning that if the table is nested inside another table or page element, the width will be a percentage of the containing cell or element. If there is no containing element, the table width will be a percentage of the page width.
To spread out a cell across two or more rows or columns, use the following cell attributes: colspan - The number of columns the cell spans. rowspan - The number of rows the cell spans Cells can only span whole numbers of rows or columns, i.e. cells can't span half a row or part of a column.
Frame :Specifies which sides of the border surrounding a table will be visible. The "border" attribute can be used in conjunction with the "frame" attribute to specify the width of the border frame=hsides, vsides, void, above, below, lhs, rhs, box rules :none, rows, cols, all BORDERCOLOR
Thead : defines a table header Tfoot : defines a table footer align = left|center|right|justify valign = top|middle|bottom this is a beautiful test