January Considerate Constructors Scheme Site Operatives’ Induction
Mission statement ‘The aim of the Scheme is to improve the image of construction’ January
January Cartoon posters
The Scheme operates a voluntary Site Code of Considerate Practice, driven by the industry, which seeks to: Minimise any disturbance or negative impact; for example, noise, dirt and inconvenience sometimes caused by construction sites to the immediate neighbourhood. Eradicate offensive behaviour and language from construction sites. Recognise and reward the contractor's commitment to raise standards of site management, safety and environmental awareness beyond statutory duties. January
Registered sites have to comply with the Scheme’s Site Code of Considerate Practice. The Code consists of the following 8 sections: Considerate Minimise any negative effect your work may be having on site neighbours. Give special consideration to children and those with sight, hearing or mobility difficulties. Environment Keep noise to a minimum at all times. Minimise wastage and use any recycling facilities provided. Turn off powered items when not in use. Cleanliness Help to keep your site clean and tidy at all times. Keep dirt and dust to a minimum. Don’t litter. Good Neighbour Remember you have an effect on your site’s neighbours and the general public. Don’t park where you may inconvenience the neighbours. January
Respectful Take care of your appearance and conduct on and off site. Deal with others as you would expect to be dealt with yourself. Safe No work you do should be a safety risk to you or others. Responsible Your contribution is vital to the success and quality of this project. Always make sure you are wearing the correct PPE for the job you are doing. Accountable Report any incident relating to safety, the public or the environment. Always remember What you do reflects upon you, your company and our industry. The reputation and image of our industry depends on you. January
January Operatives’ Handout
Scheme site signage January
Site information January
January Scheme films The Scheme has three films available: Considerate Constructors Scheme, An Overview. Working on a Considerate Constructors Scheme registered site, A film for Site Managers. This gives an insight into what is expected of a registered site. Each film lasts only 4 minutes and are available on CD Rom or DVD. They can be obtained by contacting the Scheme’s administration office. What is the Considerate Constructors Scheme, A film for anyone affected by a registered site. This is intended to introduce the Scheme to neighbours living near a registered site, or indeed to any interested member of the general public.
For more information, visit the Scheme’s website January