High quality, local films – titled Breaking Barriers – highlight gender and HIV and keep people talking about sensitive issues. Presenter: HAYLEY BRYANT, Chief of Party, Capable Partners Program – Mozambique FEBRUARY 2016 Mozambique
2 PEPFAR/ USAID July 2016 Develop the organizational and technical capacity of Mozambican organizations to play a bigger role in HIV and AIDS treatment, care and prevention Tailored technical assistance (TA) and grants to 15 Mozambican organizations Support partners to design and implement SBCC programs that raise awareness of the risk of sexual transmission of HIV Mozambique Program Overview
HIV Prevention Interventions Barriers to healthy sexual practices Sex between young women and older men, Sex for good or other goods, multiple-concurrent partners, peer pressure, gender based violence, reluctance to discuss sex, sexuality and HIV. Partner Interventions Small group debates <25 participants 8-10 debates in a series Explore own experience Carefully trained and selected facilitators Engage community leaders
4 The Challenge Existing media on HIV was not relevant to the local context Existing media did not adequately address those barriers to sexual transmission identified by communities,
Response Produce four short films (12-20 mins each) – Breaking Barriers – to address this gap. Local production company Based on real stories. Local actors, on location, dubbed in local languages Open-ended and dramatic to provoke thoughtful discussion For example, on multiple-concurrent partnerships and intergenerational sex, two drivers of the epidemic.
Films were only part of the intervention To support community facilitators in conducting effective discussions leading to behavior change, CAP produced facilitation guides ensured quality training for carefully selected facilitators.
Prevention Endline results associated with healthy behaviors and attitudes CAP exposed Not exposed Condom use in last sexual encounter20%5% Sought HIV Counseling and Testing45%20% Dialogue between partners about HIV70%30% Dialogue with co-workers, family & friends on HIV69%35% Faithful to one partner67%38% Attitudes: People agreed CAP exposed Not exposed Men who have sex with a lot of women are real men12%26% Men may make all family decisions without including the wife 21%33% It is acceptable for teachers to request sex from their students 12%22% Cross-sectional household survey of 1531 households in July 2014 Analysis conducted using propensity score matching Cross-sectional household survey of 1531 households in July 2014 Analysis conducted using propensity score matching
8 In addition In addition, partner field staff report that the films provoke longer, more animated debates than other triggers. As dialogue is a precursor to behavior change, this is a powerful effect.
4 Films Titios – Sugar Daddies Irmas de Buzi – Buzi sisters Escondidos – Secrets Uma Prenda Special – A Special Gift
10 Available for download Through AIDSTAR-One site: aidstar- one.com/focus_areas/gender/pepfar_gender_special_initiatives/quebra ndo_barreiras.aidstar- one.com/focus_areas/gender/pepfar_gender_special_initiatives/quebra ndo_barreiras Films on vimeo.com Or contact or if you would like copies of the
Obrigada Kanimambo