Sector Area, Arc Length, Sector Volume White board / cut problems.


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Presentation transcript:

Sector Area, Arc Length, Sector Volume White board / cut problems

Find the area of sector ABC

Find the length of arc GF

A windshield wiper blade is 18 inches long. To the nearest square inch, what is the area covered by the blade as it rotates through an angle of 122°?

Find the length of arc NP

Find the area of sector ACB

The gear of a grandfather clock has a radius of 3 in. To the nearest tenth of an inch, what distance does the gear cover when it rotates through an angle of 88°?

Find the area of sector JKL

Find the volume of the shaded sector of the cylinder with a height of 10m and a base shown below: 10m

Find the volume of the shaded sector of the cylinder with a height of 16 ft and a base shown below: 16 ft