What are YOU doing to help YOURSELF?
More than half the battle is SHOWING UP Get to class on time every day Excuse absences right away Check in and out of school correctly Seek out work that you missed when absent Use systems to get caught up: Teacher web site, block, whiteboard notes
BE there in mind AND body! Pay attention…it’s not easy and it takes work Make eye contact, express interest Cell phones OFF and AWAY Listen when others are talking Sleeping is something you do at home, not school Ask specific questions
Make it so you can find it and use it! Use planners, 3-ring binders Check each class every day Finish assignments on time Turn in work that looks good
Lots of people are looking out for you, but YOU have to take the lead and look out for yourself Ask questions in class if you don’t understand Ask for help outside of class Contact the teacher or counselors if you have concerns
“Nothing ventured, nothing gained”—Ben Franklin Accept that learning and growth take place by trying and failing. Getting things “wrong” is more important than getting them “right” Try new things Try things that stretch your abilities. You can’t grow if you stay inside your comfort zone
The ideas in this presentation won’t mean anything unless you use them. Make the commitment to learn and grow Your life will be very different if you value learning and growth Take charge of your learning. It’s YOUR life to live Become a lifelong learner