T H E P R O P H E T I C G I F T Adult Sabbath School Lesson PowerPoint Presentation January 10, 2009 ADAPT Teaching Approach The Prophetic GIFT ADVENTISTART.ORG
We are called to prepare people for Christ’s Second Coming
Memory Verse NUMBERS 12:6 “Then He said, ‘Hear now My words: If there is a prophet among you, I, the Lord, make Myself know to him in a vision, and I speak to him in a dream.”
SPECIAL MESSENGER STEPS WE NEED TO MAKE Allow God to use as intercessors Allow God to use us to prepare people for His second coming
Intercessors A. Why did God raise up prophets? What was their function? Genesis 20:7 Prophets were not only spokespersons for God but also intermediary between God and the people. God had used Abraham as a prophet in spite of his mistakes and lack of faith.
Intercessors B. How did Moses demonstrate his intercessory role as a prophet? Exo. 32:11-13 The prayer of Moses prevented Israel’s extermination as a nation. In his role as intercessor, Moses stood as a forerunner of Christ.
Discipleship In a society dominated by men, she became a political and spiritual leader. God chooses women, as well as men, to serve as prophets. A. What does Deborah’s story reveal about the way prophets functioned within their community? Judges 4:4-10
Discipleship John the Baptist was the greatest prophet in the sense that it was his privilege to announce the coming of Christ. God can use us to prepare people for Christ’s second coming. B. Why was John the Baptist greater than all the Old Testament prophets? Matthew 11:11
SUMMARY WE CAN BECOME A SPECIAL MESSENGER OF GOD By allowing God to use as intercessors By allowing God to use us to prepare people for His second coming
APPLY How can this lesson about the gift of prophecy affect my life today? Do I have the desire to become an intercessor for God? Do I have the desire to prepare people for Christ’s second coming? Q
PLAN How can I use this lesson about the gift of prophecy this coming week? What are the practical ways I can do to prepare people for Christ’s second coming? Q
TRANSFER TRUTH What changes do I need in my life? What biblical principle from the lesson can we use today? Q
TRANSFER TRUTH What changes do I need in my life? I need to help in finishing God’s work I am busy 1. By distributing evangelistic tracts 2. By joining the evangelistic program of the church This coming week, I will appropriate special times for sharing the good news to others PRINCIPLEAPPLICATIONPROBLEMDECISION Let’s make the decision! Q
ASSOCIATE truth – Why should I study this lesson? DISCOVER truth – What does the Bible say about this truth? APPLY truth – How can this truth affect my life today ? PLAN using the truth – How can I use this truth today? TRANSFER truth to life – What changes do I need in my life? ADAPT it! Teaching Approach Teach With Power Ministry Effective for SMALL GROUPS