A Climate Data Portal Focused on realtime and retrospective in situ data Nancy Soreide, Don Denbo, Willa Zhu, PMEL Charles Sun, NODC Bernie Kilonsky, U of Hawaii NOAA Tech 2002 Oct 23-25, 2001, Silver Spring, MD
Objective: Unified, networked access to geographically distributed data from Observing Systems and Historical Data Archives (focus on in situ data) Method: Integrate several new, modern and proven, off-the-shelf network-based applications and technology developments CORBA/Java RMI Data Server Interactive, Java Scientific Graphics Toolkit Interactive Java tools selecting data from large in situ data collections - 4dEdit Java utility LDAP Directory Services XML Automated metadata generation tool Collaborative tool environment Dual access: Web and desktop Java application Web help and tutorial A Climate Data Portal Overview
Web Browser Java Application User NetworkNetwork CORBA/DOT* Client Support Java Servlet Graphics One or more Web Servers UHi Sea Level Data CORBA/DOT* Data TAO data support CORBA/DOT* Data NODC Archive Data CORBA/DOT* Network Data Servers Climate Data Portal Data PMEL in-situ data CORBA/DOT* Web: Java application: ftp:// Data
In situ Data collections Data presently available: TAO El Nino buoy data (realtime) – PMEL Global sea level data (realtime) – University of Hawaii Global Temperature-Salinity Profile Program (GTSPP) – NODC PMEL hydrographic data collection – PMEL Data in progress: WOCE hydrographic data – Scripps Institution of Oceanography Intl. Pacific Research Center in-situ collection –University of Hawaii WOCE Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler data– University of Hawaii Marine Environmental Data Service (MEDS) Canada Future plans: ARGO profiling float data WOCE/CLIVAR data DODS proxy server - selected DODS datasets
Uniform network access to distributed observational datasets Sophisticated Java tools for subsetting large, irregular, in situ data collections Data fusion and data download From a desktop Java application or the web Modern, scalable off-the-shelf components Open Source Java, CORBA, LDAP, XML Free and low maintenance Extensible Scalable Extensible to satellite, gridded products, model results Poised to utilize new networking technology (e.g.,network Quality of Service, Collaboration) Significant technology spin-offs already realized A Climate Data Portal Features
Subsetting tool Linked windows Show map view Show any 2d view Select in any window Method: Overlay bathymetry Overlay coastlines Selection tools Box Polygon Multi-segment line – user settable width Selecting a multi-segment section line
Browsing data locations in time
Subsetting tool Selecting a section line in a time window
Interactive Java data fusion Ocean Profiles NODC GTSPP Silver Spring PMEL TAO Seattle PMEL CTD Seattle Metadata available
Interactive Web data fusion Ocean Profiles NODC GTSPP Silver Spring PMEL TAO Seattle Metadata available
Technology spin-offs ncBrowse A Graphical netCDF File Browser SGT Scientific Graphics Toolkit for creating interactive graphics applications NdEdit Interactive tool for graphically selecting and subsetting large in-situ data collections Collaboration tools for Fisheries-Oceanography OceanShare, See NOAA Tech 2002 agenda for presentations