We love our Art Materials! How to treat them with love!
Paint Too much is a bad thing o Extreme waste = no more paint! o Running out of paint makes us sad D: It's messy and if you're not careful o It will stain your clothes o It will stain our tables o It will ruin our palettes and brushes o Having ruined clothes, stained tables and ruined palettes and brushes make us sad.
Too much paint!!!!!
Use even less then shown below! remember- you can always get more.
Brushes They come in many shapes and sizes o Angular o Flat o Liner o Round If they are left in a container and/or not cleaned they will all be the same- RUINED. o Ruined = no more brushes o Ruined brushes make us all sad. Do not leave them soaking in water for long period of time! o Ruins wood o Bends the bristles!
Ruined brush :(
This brush rested on it's bristles :(
Epic Fail!
Wash until the water comes out clear! You will be turning them for inspection
Clean and unbent brushes :D
Palettes Great for mixing paint when they are clean. o Paint buggers are nastier than the buggers in your nose. o In order to have an accurate color it must be clean! Clean them until they have NO PAINT on them. o All of the palettes are like brand new- keep them that way
Cups Clean them too! o Old residue = mixing colors you don't want! o Scrub the cup until it's clean What is the purpose of the cup? o Thinning paint o Cleaning brushes Do you need a lot of water? o No, you only need as much as the tip of your brush. o Using too much water ruins the brushes
Sink, Floor, and Tables The sink must always stay clean. Scrub it until it's clean. If you splash on the floor... you guessed it- clean it! At the end of each period make sure your table is as good as new. There should be no paint visible in the table. Custodians are here to help pick up our garbage that is in trashcans and everything else is up to us.
Drying Rack This is where you will be storing your art. o Don't give it to Ms. P or leave it on a table
To Paint you need the following: Palette Brushes Paint Small amount of water in a Cup Table Sink Water A small amount of Paper Towels o Do not use too many paper towels or... WE WILL RUN OUT AND IT IS WASTEFUL Who sees a theme here?
To Paint you must clean the following: Palette Brushes Paint Cup Table Sink Water Throw away paper towels Floor
Clean-up Procedure Place your painting on the drying rack. Remember to put your name on your paper! Pick up a sponge/rag from the sink and wipe down your table and floor if needed. Clean the sponge/rag when you are done. Supplies must be turned into Ms. P or T.A.s for inspection. Stay at your seat until the bell rings AND THROW ALL TRASH AWAY IN THE TRASH CAN... no wandering, socializing or herding at the door.
You are Required to: clean your table clean the floor clean the chair put all materials away put all cleaning materials away throw trash away sit down sit down until the bell rings