Report to Plenary Session of Annual General Meeting ICA Members Meeting Paris, th May, 2011
2 Possible expansion of ICA membership from G8 to G20 - Consensus amongst ICA members about widening membership to G20 and that initial discussions should begin - ICA Secretariat mandated to approach G20. - France (as G8/G20 Chair) to take forward at next meeting of G20’s Development Working Group (June in Cape Town ) - Agreement that governance issues need to be carefully considered as process moves forward to retain a light touch. - ICA Secretariat and France to report back at next members meeting in November
3 Revised ICA Work Plan Indicators and For revises Log frame to be used as monitoring and management tool -Agreed revised framework should be used, in the Strategic Business Plan ICA Work Plan, staffing and budget presented -Strong link with results (PIDA) -Members called upon ICA Secretariat to continue its work on collecting and sharing information on investment opportunity, instruments and facilities.
4 Presentations on Energy, Transport and Water Sector Platforms led by USA, JICA/ EIB and KfW/ BMZ respectively - Activity to date and plans for 2011 and beyond ; positive feedback Presentations and updates on: - West African Power Pool - Horn of Africa Initiative - PIDA - Africa Infrastructure Knowledge Programme (proposal for funding) - Geographic Information System of the EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund
ICA Annual Report- Key trends 40% increase in commitments compared to Private Sector commitments close to pre-crisis levels. 13% increase in commitments to regional projects. -The need for increased funding for project preparation high lighted especially ahead of PIDA. -Members welcomed the Presidential Infrastructure Initiative (PICI) led by President Zuma and the Institutional Architecture for Infrastructure development in Africa (IAIDA) led by AU as initiative that are led by member states and regional organisations in support of PIDA.
6 Thank you