THE 9TH ANNUAL!!! It was started after budget cuts ended funding for freshman sports. It has been organized by Manish Doshi, Class of ‘79, and BHS Hall of Fame coach. And his amazing group of alumni: Gene Nakamura (‘62, HOF coach), Hank Dorsey (‘56), John Merchant (‘54, HOF), Nick Pereira, & Jim Moran. Dedicated this year to long-time BHS booster Wayne Tarr, Class of ‘57
BHS/BAF GOLF CLASSIC & RAFFLE Our biggest fundraiser of the year!! It has raised an average of $25,000 per year. The proceeds pay for ALL FRESHMAN/FROSH COACH stipends. In recent years, 7-8 teams with student athletes. And some VARSITY ASSISTANT COACH stipends. In recent years, 3-4 teams with student athletes. But 2015 proceeds were off by 50% -- we need to revitalize the Classic or face some very tough funding decisions....
2016 GOLF CLASSIC TOURNAMENT Friday, May 6th, at Tilden Golf Course. Starts at noon. Buffet dinner & swag included. $125 per golfer, or $500 for a foursome. Sign-up by mail using form available on BAF website, (We are working on an online sign-up site.) Great atmosphere with BHS alumni athletes, boosters & coaches!
2016 GOLF CLINIC New last year! Friday, May 6th, at Tilden Golf Course. Starts at 3:30 p.m. Taught by BHS golf coaches. For beginner/novice golfers, featuring driving, short game and putting. $65 per person. Includes buffet dinner. to sign up or use form available on BAF website, to sign up by
WE NEED CLASSIC SPONSORSHIPS!!! We are asking each sport to find one sponsor. $250 to “sponsor a hole” with company logo on a sign at the Tilden course & on swag given to each golfer (usually a t-shirt) Sponsorship form is at (& in ticket packets) We need to expand our funding base. Ask your employer, local business, sports club, etc. Remind them that a healthy public high school benefits the whole Berkeley community, and that sports teams are an important part of BHS.
2016 RAFFLE Each team/sport will be asked to sell tickets. $5 each or $25 for a book of 6. Tickets & money must be turned into BAF by Friday, May 6th at noon. 1st prize: $1,000 VISA gift card. 2nd prize: iPad Air 2. Many other prizes including: Berkeley Rep tickets, SF Giants tickets, 30+ bottles of fine wine, Mira Vista golf foursome, basketball signed by Warrior Harrison Barnes, Warriors 2015 Championship coffee table book, Majestic Sportswear gift cards $75 & $50, Picante gift card $30, & more. Teams can sell tickets at 4th Street, BART, BHS games & other events, etc.
Raffle e-committee help We need 5-10 parents to help solicit raffle prizes. Each volunteer is asked to contact 3-5 local businesses & organizations to request a donation of a gift card or other suitable prize. You can contact businesses of your choosing or use our list of contacts. (Theaters, restaurants, museums, stores, etc.) No meetings necessary; all committee communication can be done by . If you aren’t on the committee, you are still welcome to donate a prize.
NEW THIS YEAR!!! A special prize for BHS student athletes who sell the most tickets: A private tour of Pixar Animation Studios in Emeryville!! (or maybe a meet & greet with a Warrior?) Four top sellers will be determined by the number of stubs with their names on them turned in by May 6th. (Plus one additional student selected at random.)
don’t forget: put your name on the stub! BHS students athletes should write their names & sport on each stub sold (front or back).
ALSO NEW THIS YEAR!!! We love our BHS coaches and would like them to join us at the Classic. Please consider paying for a spot at the Classic ($125) so that a coach can golf at no charge. We have four spots paid for so far... Coaches: if you would like to golf with us, courtesy of BAF & BHS
For more information or questions: us at Check the BAF website at