DO NOW V: 0 Monday Feb. 9 1. Describe why the seasons occur. 2. Draw a diagram to go with your explanation.
TEKS V: 0 The student is expected to model and illustrate how the tilted Earth rotates on its axis, causing day and night, and revolves around the Sun causing changes in seasons.
EQs & Objectives V: 0 ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: DAILY OBJECTIVES: How does the motion of the Sun, Earth, and Moon affect the environment? DAILY OBJECTIVES: Students will… Describe how the tilt of the Earth’s axis causes the seasons. Describe how the Earth’s rotation causes day and night.
Vocabulary V: 0 Rotation Year Revolution Orbit Axis Seasons Day
Homework & Agenda Next Quiz: Tuesday, Feb. 2 V: 0 Today’s Agenda Whole Class Demo Seasons Reading Seasons Picture and Labeling Top Ten Assignment Dry Erase Board Practice Homework Seasons Practice and Lunar Phases Reading DUE FRIDAY Next Quiz: Tuesday, Feb. 2 Topic: Seasons and Lunar Phases
Whole-Class Model V: 2 As a class, make a circle. This circle represents Earth’s orbit around the sun. Pass the globe counter-clockwise when the north pole always facing the north star. As your teacher sits in the middle with a lap, observe how the amount of sunlight different parts of the earth are receiving change.
Reading: Seasons V: 2 Complete the reading. Discuss with your partner the following: What is the main idea of the reading? Which sentences do you think is the most important and why? Describe the diagram in the reading. How could it be improved?
Seasons Picture and Labeling V: 1 Label the picture to the right with the following: Time period between each season The season in the Southern hemisphere Add arrows showing that it revolves counter-clockwise Draw and label Polaris.
Top Ten Assignment V: 0 Look at page 3 of your notebook at the page labeled “Top Ten” Choose number 3, 4, or 9 to complete about the seasons. Complete the assignment on page of your notebook.
Dry Erase Board Practice V: 1 D A C B
Dry Erase Board Practice V: 1 D A C B
Dry Erase Board Practice V: 1
Dry Erase Board Practice V: 1
Dry Erase Board Practice V: 1
DO NOW V: 0 Tuesday Choose the answer below and explain why you choose that answer.
TEKS V: 0 The student is expected to model and illustrate how the tilted Earth rotates on its axis, causing day and night, and revolves around the Sun causing changes in seasons.
EQs & Objectives V: 0 ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: DAILY OBJECTIVES: How does the motion of the Sun, Earth, and Moon affect the environment? DAILY OBJECTIVES: Students will… Describe how the tilt of the Earth’s axis causes the seasons. Describe how the Earth’s rotation causes day and night.
Vocabulary V: 0 Rotation Year Revolution Orbit Axis Seasons Day
Homework & Agenda Next Quiz: Tuesday, Feb. 2 V: 0 Today’s Agenda Review Seasons Quiz Mars Rover and Lunar History Reading Homework Seasons Practice and Lunar Phases Reading DUE FRIDAY Next Quiz: Tuesday, Feb. 2 Topic: Seasons and Lunar Phases
Read and re-read the passage. Underline the question Seasons Quiz V: 0 Read and re-read the passage. Underline the question Bubble important words Identify the key idea, write it in margin. Eliminate the wrong answers Select the correct answer ✓ Mass of an object
Reading & Special Assignment V: 0 After your quiz… Choose one of the readings. Mars Rover Lunar History Complete a Special Assignment in your notebook on page .
DO NOW V: 0 Wednesday/Thursday Complete the “Before Reading” column of your anticipation guide. Circle “A” for Agree. Circle “D” for Disagree. Write “?” for Don’t Know.
TEKS V: 0 8.7 (B) Demonstrate and predict the sequence of events in the lunar cycle
EQs & Objectives V: 0 ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: Why does the moon have phases? DAILY OBJECTIVES: Students will model lunar phases.
Vocabulary V: 0 Lunar Cycle Waxing Gibbous Waning Crescent
Homework & Agenda Next Quiz Topic: Lunar Phases and Tides V: 0 Today’s Agenda Model Lunar Phases BrainPop Video: Lunar Phases Lunar Phases Cutouts and Labeling Stick and Lamp Model Exit Ticket Homework Seasons Practice and Lunar Phases Reading DUE FRIDAY Next Quiz Topic: Lunar Phases and Tides
Modeling Lunar Phases V: 2 Using the materials, model the position of the moon, sun, and Earth so that you would see the different lunar phases. SUN Rotate jobs for each lunar phase. EARTH MOON Recorder: Draw a picture of the positioning
Modeling Lunar Phases V: 2 Using the materials, model the position of the moon, sun, and Earth so that you would see a full moon from Earth.
Modeling Lunar Phases V: 2 Using the materials, model the position of the moon, sun, and Earth so that you would see a full moon from Earth.
Modeling Lunar Phases V: 2 Using the materials, model the position of the moon, sun, and Earth so that you would see a new moon from Earth.
Modeling Lunar Phases V: 2 Using the materials, model the position of the moon, sun, and Earth so that you would see a new moon from Earth.
Modeling Lunar Phases V: 2 Using the materials, model the position of the moon, sun, and Earth so that you would see a half moon from Earth.
Modeling Lunar Phases V: 2 Using the materials, model the position of the moon, sun, and Earth so that you would see a half moon from Earth.
Modeling Lunar Phases V: 2 Using the materials, model the position of the moon, sun, and Earth so that you would see a crescent moon from Earth.
Modeling Lunar Phases V: 2 Using the materials, model the position of the moon, sun, and Earth so that you would see a crescent moon from Earth.
BrainPop Video V: 0 BrainPop Video: Moon Phases
RM 41 – Lunar Phases V: 0 In your INB, turn your book sideways and draw a picture of Earth in the center of the page. Then, draw an image indicating sunlight from the right. SUNLIGHT
RM 41 – Lunar Phases V: 0 Draw 8 moons around the Earth, to represent the phases of the moon. Then color the dark side of each of the moons. SUNLIGHT
RM 41 – Lunar Phases V: 0 SUNLIGHT
RM 41 – Lunar Phases V: 0 Cut out the lunar phases from the handout and place them in 8 positions around the Earth. SUNLIGHT
RM 41 – Lunar Phases V: 0 Label the moon at each phase. SUNLIGHT
RM 41 – Lunar Phases V: 0
RM 41 – Lunar Phases V: 0 New Moon
RM 41 – Lunar Phases V: 0 Waxing Crescent
RM 41 – Lunar Phases V: 0 1st Quarter
RM 41 – Lunar Phases V: 0 Waxing Gibbous
RM 41 – Lunar Phases V: 0 Full Moon
RM 41 – Lunar Phases V: 0 Waning Gibbous
RM 41 – Lunar Phases V: 0 Third Quarter
RM 41 – Lunar Phases V: 0 Waning Crescent
Stick and Lamp Model V: 2 Using the Styrofoam ball on the straw, model the phases of the moon. Start by standing in front of the lamp with ball between you and the lamp. Turn counter clockwise to model the rotation of the Earth and the Moon. Stop at each of the 8 positions and say out loud the name of the lunar phase.
Exit Ticket V: 0 Draw a picture of the position of the Earth, Sun, and Moon when there is a half moon.
DO NOW V: 0 Friday Draw what the moon looks like from Earth at positions A and B. A B
TEKS V: 0 8.7 (B) Demonstrate and predict the sequence of events in the lunar cycle
EQs & Objectives V: 0 ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: Why does the moon have phases? DAILY OBJECTIVES: Students will model lunar phases.
Vocabulary V: 0 Lunar Cycle Waxing Gibbous Waning Crescent
Homework & Agenda Next Quiz Topic: Lunar Phases and Tides V: 0 Today’s Agenda 1. DOC: Lunar Phases Notes 2. Lunar Hats 3. RM 43 Homework Seasons Practice and Lunar Phases Reading DUE FRIDAY Next Quiz Topic: Lunar Phases and Tides
TEKS V: 0 8.7 (B) Demonstrate and predict the sequence of events in the lunar cycle
EQs & Objectives V: 0 ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: DAILY OBJECTIVES: How does the motion of the Sun, Earth, and Moon affect the environment? How does gravity effect the organization and motion of the solar system? DAILY OBJECTIVES: Students will… Model lunar phases.
Vocabulary V: 0 Lunar Cycle Waxing Gibbous Waning Crescent
DOC V: 0
Phases of the Moon Rap V: 0 Phases of the Moon Rap
Lunar Hats V: 0 Practice identifying the phases of the moon using the Lunar Hats.
Lunar Phases Modeling V: 0 Complete RM 43