Paperwork Stuff Clinic– anyone who has yet to make up the chapter 20 test! Homework check: Ellis/ Angel Island Compare & Contrast Organizer Turn in – Virtual Tour Note Sheet QUIZ COMING UP!!!!! Warm-Up Make a list of 3-4 English phrases that immigrants would have found helpful / useful.
Who OldNewToday When Settled on the FrontierFrontier Closed – Settled in/near cities From Where Northern & Western Europeans English, Irish, German, Scandinavian Southern & Eastern Europeans Italians, Polish, Greeks, Russians, Hungarians Asians Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Indian, Filipino Americans Mexico, Caribbean Asians Chinese, Indian, Filipino Language Religion Some spoke English Mostly Protestant, some Catholics Few spoke English Catholic, Jewish, Eastern Orthodox, Buddhist, Daoist Most speak English Catholic & Protestant HowEllis IslandEllis & Angel IslandCustoms at Airports
2 Activities to complete Graphing – Old and New Immigrants Mapping – Old and New Immigrants
Wrap-Up Which groups of immigrants do you think has it rougher? Why? Homework None